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London's Third Official Meeting

Posted By Chris on September 26, 2002

New Page 1

London is about to become an official FanForce chapter with the announcement of their third meeting.


Date: Thursday September 26th

Time: 4:00pm

Place: Lelila's (Debbie's) house (PM her for directions)

Topics of discussion will include:

??? - what direction London wants to go with the group

??? - what goals the London chapter wants to achieve

??? - future events

??? - discussion on the groups name

??? - and nominations for the City Rep.


The group will also be holding a pot luck dinner that evening and suggestions for food items can be made in the forum thread, located here.


[FanForce Canada - News Archives]
Celebrate Star Wars Day In Toronto
Posted By Mike on May 2, 2012:
Updated! Now there's a comedy show too!

Celebrate Star Wars Day In Toronto
Posted By Mike on April 26, 2012:
Updated! Now there's a comedy show too!

Turkish Star Wars Event In Toronto
Posted By Mike on April 15, 2012:
May the 4th at Projection Booth East

Art Auction for "Princess Leah" Goes Live
Posted By Mike on March 27, 2012:
Supporting the ailing daughter of the Esquenazi family

The Forums Are Moving!
Posted By Ben on March 21, 2012:
The upgrade of TFN's Jedi Council Forums has begun.

The First-Ever Ottawa Comiccon
Posted By Mike on March 14, 2012:
Featuring Jeremy Bulloch on May 12 & 13

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