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UK Star Wars Cinema Marathon on May 16th

Posted By Britany on April 17, 2005

Last month we reported on a UK Star Wars Saga event set to take place in London on May 16th, where all 6 Star Wars movies would be screened at cinemas in Leicester Square in one day. An anonymous source sends in this exciting news found in an email circulating UCI cinemas:

For the first and last time, anywhere in the world, Lucasfilm have agreed to screen the complete Star Wars Saga in one sitting at UCI Empire.

All six movies will be screened at the Empire on Monday 16 May - Three days before the global release of Episode III. All tickets will be onsale to the general public at ?50 each.

George Lucas & key stars will introduce the movies at the Empire.

The worldwide media event will showcase the cinema and square. Leicester Square will be fully dressed including The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra playing throughout the day in the square; the 501st Legion Storm Troopers will control the entrance points to the square, and an X-Wing fighter will exhibit in the gardens.

The last three episodes will play in digital on the DLP projector. The original three will play with brand new show prints.

Other Leicester Square cinemas will play one each of the five movies.

Please note, 'introduce' does not necessarily mean that George Lucas will be there in person. It could be a pre-recorded introduction. Please click here to read more about the other cinemas involved. For more info, contact the individual cinemas taking part in the event.

Update - another anonymous source writes:

UCI box office says details for the May 16 event at the Empire (ie ticket availability, etc) should be available from Thursday or Friday this week. They are still sorting things out with Fox.

Update 2 - Ghostface adds:
  • Fox have now stated that tickets can go on sale next Monday, April 25th.
  • The order of the screenings will be IV (starting at 7am), V, VI, I, II, and finally III (starting around 8:30pm).
  • George Lucas and some of the cast will appear in person at Empire before the screening of Episode III, as that will be one hour after the premiere starts across the square at the Odeon Leicester Square.

Update 3:
  • UK Star Wars Marathon Press Release

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