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Star Wars UK Comic Relief Benefit

Posted By Britany on April 29, 2005

Press Release


On May 9th there is a going to be a very special one-off coming together of Star Wars and comedy before a packed house of fans at The Comedy Store.

1999 Perrier Nominee Terry Alderton, 1998 Perrier Nominee Ed Byrne, Hattie Hayridge (Red Dwarf) and 1994 Perrier Best Newcomer Scott Capurro are all appearing to celebrate the classic saga. Joe Cornish (Adam and Joe Show) will be introducing several of his popular Star Wars short films and there will be a special musical number by comedian Mitch Benn.

Twentieth Century Fox have kindly agreed to show the latest trailer of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (released ten days later on May 19th) and provide other very special Star Wars film material. The evening will also include on duty Stormtroopers and other Star Wars dressed characters, original music, surprises and loads of great official promotional giveaways.

Tickets on sale now at ?15 from Comedy Store/Ticketmaster.



This night is in support of Comic Relief (registered charity 326568). At least 50% of the sale proceeds from tickets will go to help some of the very poorest and most vulnerable people here in the UK and Africa.

Monday 9th May 2005 - Doors 18.30 for Show 20.00
The Comedy Store, 1a Oxendon Street, SW1Y 4EE

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4th Annual Corsham Scifi Family Funday
Posted By Mike on April 24, 2012:
Saturday, April 28th with Glover, Blake, LeParmentier & more!

Sense Scotland's Star Wars Fundraiser
Posted By Mike on April 10, 2012:
Scheduled for May the Fourth!

Art Auction for "Princess Leah" Goes Live
Posted By Mike on March 27, 2012:
Supporting the ailing daughter of the Esquenazi family

The Forums Are Moving!
Posted By Ben on March 21, 2012:
The upgrade of TFN's Jedi Council Forums has begun.

The Elstree Empire Day Convention
Posted By Mike on March 20, 2012:
Updated! Coming to Elstree Studios in May

SW Charity Dinner & Quiz Tomorrow!
Posted By Mike on February 1, 2012:
With McGregor, Pegg, & Frost in the UK

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