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SW Computer Desktop Designs

Posted By Thomas on April 27, 2001

Got a Star Wars themed wallpaper for your computer? Well if you do, take a snapshot, preferably 800x600 res., and email them to us at SW Desktops and we'll post the best of the lot.

Update: Here are the latest wallpapers submitted that TFN readers use for their desktops:
From Ram Rachum, 2 cool designs
a Rebel theme
an Imperial theme

Bern Finnigan advises to tile this and stand back, I(Carter) tiled it and stood back, whoa cool ~ 2 more from Bern

Marc Anthony submitted these 2 terrific designs
Obi Wan

Erik made a nice desktop theme for his Linux window manager WindowMaker
Rebel Ships

3 from John Michael's collection where he used photoshop to give them an "impressionist" style covering up the fact that they're blown up more than 200%.
Obi Wan

Jedi Trick's submits 2, one of which he said was obviously very popular
TPM Collage

Jason has a nice computer rendering of a classic Star Wars dogfighting scene

Mark F. has a sweet desktop wallpaper on a popular character by Electro
Bounty Hunter

JediJared created this cool poster design for his desktop
EPII Poster

And 2 from Yodafett, collages based on EPII selects
EPII Selects 1
EPII Selects 2

Final Update: This general call for desktop wallpapers has uncovered some terrific talent. Take a look and see some of the ones I (Carter) have spotlighted:

Sidious1 re-enacts a classic chase scene in this design
Hot Pursuit

Pat Vachon uses an awesome Falcon wallpaper designed by Allan.
Asteroid Field

Some cool shades of blue in Penguins4Free's wallpaper

3 nice designs from Greg Kegel
Amidala reflection
Queen Amidala
Darth Maul

Mark F. displays some Imperial Pride by Elektro
Empire's Pride

Gabriel Talavera's design using the new Padme photo

A few of James's wallpapers with a TPM one and from the Tone Poem campaign
Darth Maul

Starlord uses this cool design with X-Wing's in flight
X-Wing nebulae

An ominous Boba Fett by eROKv
Boba Fett

Evan Lawbaugh tributes the Star Wars trilogy in this design
Star Wars trilogy

Gabriel Cassata's customizes his design from CCG cards
CCG Design

Another Boba Fett wallpaper, this one by Lighthaus
Boba Fett

And lastly, Eddy Herringson's cool crystalline design with EPII characters
EPII characters

Thanks to everyone who participated!

[Fan Art - News Archives]
A Saga In The Stars: A Tribute To A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Posted By Dustin on April 21, 2013:
L.A. artshow on May the 4th!

Amazing Fan Made Star Wars: Episode VII Poster Art
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The Vampire Counts Back
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3 blasters, 2 blaster, 1 blaster, no blasters!

Posted By Dustin on March 10, 2013:
Available only on March 11th!

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