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Urban Star Wars Photography

Posted By Mike on April 21, 2008

Slashfilm.com is highlighting the work of French photographer Cedric Delsaux who transposes Star Wars images into urban environments. Click here to check out the feature.

You can also visit Cedric Delsaux's website right here.

Thanks Seth!

UPDATE: Got the following e-mail sent over regarding the post above. The sender didn't include their name but man did the e-mail address crack me up.

"I saw the article about the french artist who photoshopped urban photos to fit Star Wars characters in them. Some posters over at Cracked.com saw the link and decided to try some of their own. Many of them are quite good. Here's the link to the forum thread." (A couple of them are pretty tasteless but some nice additions as well)

UPDATE #2: Friend of TFN, Harin, sent over the following:

"I saw the update to the Star Wars Urban Photography and wanted to share with you a similar project that my brother, Suresh, and I (with the help of a few others) came up with last year called If Star Wars Was Real. Each photograph has a detailed back story as part of a galactic investigation into the amazing evidence that Star Wars could actually be real! The site addresses are: www.ifstarwarswasreal.com or www.iswwr.com . Hope you enjoy it and feel free to join the investigation with your own submissions! We only accept REAL photos - none of this photoshopped stuff!"

Make sure to check out the links for there are some great pics over there! Thanks Harin!

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A Saga In The Stars: A Tribute To A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Posted By Dustin on April 21, 2013:
L.A. artshow on May the 4th!

Amazing Fan Made Star Wars: Episode VII Poster Art
Posted By Dustin on March 26, 2013:
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Star Wars: The Dark Side Design Contest
Posted By Dustin on March 26, 2013:
Updated! Time to rate the entries!

Royal Guard T-shirt
Posted By Dustin on March 20, 2013:
Loyalty Service Order

The Vampire Counts Back
Posted By Dustin on March 15, 2013:
3 blasters, 2 blaster, 1 blaster, no blasters!

Posted By Dustin on March 10, 2013:
Available only on March 11th!

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