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Frogs in Episode I? - Spoilers

Posted By Scott on December 11, 1998

Some of you might have noticed the reference to "Frogs" in the latest "Making of..." diary on the official site. In fact you can see these strange creatures on that very page in the second picture down, in the body of the article. While Nick Dudman is talking to Mr. Freeborn he says, "...everyone has made a frog.". A fun little prop making activity for the crew. One wonders what in the world these frogs have to do with Episode I. Highlight the text below to find out:

We've received information indicating that there is a "Frog Attack" during our heroes visit to Mos Espa! Yup, you read right....a plague of sorts. I can't wait to see this one!

[Episode I - News Archives]
Is Colonel Gascon Jar Jar?s Cousin?
Posted By Dustin on December 17, 2012:
Derived from an unused concept for the Gungans

Ahmed Best Talks TPM & More With EW.com
Posted By Mike on February 27, 2012:
A lengthy article with the Jar Jar actor

TPM 3D Opening Weekend: #4 With $23M
Posted By Eric on February 12, 2012:
Episode I re-release performs as expected

It's The Phantom Menace 3D Release Day!
Posted By Eric on February 10, 2012:
Every saga has a beginning...

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