Places of Kalandar:
Climate Regulator
A region as Kalandar in an environment like
that of the rest of Coruscant could not have lasted for long.
With it's natural cycles and life rhythms abandoned long ago, the
planet lives completely thanks to giant tireless weather, thermal
and atmosphere regulator systems that have replaced the planet's
natural functions.
In a completely artificial hemisphere, Kalandar
would have been without any hope of continuing to exist,
therefore the Republic Senate provided it with a colossal climate
regulator so as to protect the zone and regulate the natural
rhythms for the animal and plant life as the rest of the planet
could not do; for this reason the climate regulator was one of
the first things that the Empire was quick to deactivate. Set in
Kalandar's ground for more than three km. deep, the Regulator,
which appears to be a giant hollow cylinder surrounded by
projectors and generators, in fact would isolate and protect
Kalandar from the encircling ecosystem and at the same time it
would create one inside itself that would reproduce the natural
and physiological rhythms that the plant-life required: hot and
cold season cycles, recurrent rainfalls and most of all a
continuous and meticulous filtering of those polluting agents
that circulate around the rest of Coruscant's atmosphere.
The climate regulator made Kalandar one big
greenhouse, with all the benefits that come with such protection
but without the drawbacks (no dome or obstacle to separate
Kalandar's sky from the rest of the planet even because before
being definitely dismissed the Senate was considering to build
similar regulators in other areas of the planet where the
pollution level was becoming dangerous). When the Empire decreed
Kalandar's end, the first step was to close down the thermal
regulator. And while the Empire was slimming bureaucracy and
making swift and effective interventions and using them as a flag
for it's escalation, bureaucratic delays and lack of funds
(ascribed to the bad management by the Republic) were accused for
the scarcity of maintenance on Kalandar's climate regulator.
Droids and maintenance technicians started deserting the
structure; the device was called "antique" and
impossible to keep in working conditions. Shifts were announced,
hours and days a week, in which the regulator would be turned on,
that with the passing of time, became more and more occasional
until the regulator was definitely closed down. Scientists and
ecologists adequately paid by the Empire were careful to divulge
false reports that would guarantee that Kalandar would have
fitted in perfectly with the surrounding planetary ecosystem.
Of course it did not.
Today the regulator surfaces for some meters
from the ground but rust and weeds that cover it are a sad
demonstration of the hopeless state of abandon in which the
region now lies. Anyhow there are few who still remember that the
regulator has been deactivated but not removed. Below, in the
earth's bowels many of its energy cells are still charged. The
Empire left them in the hope that due to carelessness, an
accident or breakdown so big will occur that it will devastate
the region once and for all.
Even if it is difficult to know if this will
ever happen it is doubtless that the vicinity of the regulator is
a dangerous place. Sudden discharges and energy flux ever so
often shake the structure; subdued rumbles of a giant who is not
dead but is slowly agonizing in its tomb...
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