Kalandar is in Coruscant's northern hemisphere
and is approx. a region of 300 sq. Km. To its north there is one
of Mount Manarai's many peaks and precisely one of the few
outlying ramifications of the mountain chain that are not totally
covered by the immense sprawls of buildings and architectures
that cover the rest of the planet. The highest uncovered peak,
mount Dahnn, that dominates the village of Ghastal, reaches 2000 meters in height.
During the last days of the Old Republic,
Kalandar officially had eighty populated areas and this is the
official estimate that the Imperial head-quarters in Ghastal
still follow even if it has changed since then: many of the
existing villages have been abandoned, while other clandestine
settlements have come up from nothing. To the eyes of Captain
Varn, responsible of the zone, a new installation that rises
makes up for an old one that is abandoned, and so the official
estimates are followed - also because any attempt of conducting a
detailed census of the zone would be arduous.
From an environmental and natural point of view
Kalandar is still a relatively healthy land that survives only
thanks to thousands of years of cures received during the Old
Republic; but less than twenty years under Imperial rule are
having the best on fields, woodlands and mountains of the region.
There was once a climate regulator that would protect the area
from sudden changes in temperature and from pollution that
clutches the rest of the planet, projecting isolating fields that
made Kalandar a closed eco-system. The climate regulator broke
down soon after the arrival of the Empire and since then it has
never been repaired. It's vast complex has been ransacked many
times and today no one goes near it for fear of explosions or
breakdowns of machines still charged with energy.
Without climate control Kalandar suffers sudden
and abrupt climate changes incomprehensible even to the most
sophisticated weather probe. It is practically impossible to
predict how the region reacts to the big air and heat masses that
it gets from the rest of the planet and it is perfectly normal
for those who live in Kalandar to find themselves covered in snow
one day and under a burning summer sun the next. The Mounts
Manarai, on the north-eastern flank of the region act as a
barrier and inhibitor for many of the cloud formations that cross
the zone and therefore Kalandar is often shaken by violent and
sudden storms. Even if there are still villages that have an
independent sustenance and a roughly civil life-style, the only
populated area that can be considered comparatively official is
Ghastal, in the mid-northern part of the region. Created inside
the walls of an old archeological complex that might have been a
castle of immense proportions or more likely an old city, it is
today the heart of many of Kalandar's dweller's trading, along
with having the only official Imperial presence inside the
It is almost impossible to determine which are
the archeological structures that are still standing and which
have been demolished or covered by the vegetation: all official
documents on Kalandar have been cancelled and an estimate of the
old buildings is an unpractical matter. But one thing is certain:
as time goes by more and more findings will be destroyed or lost
while the old buildings give way under the combined attack of
pollution, lack of maintenance and the indiscriminate use by the
clandestine inhabitants.
The many water-courses that were re-activated
during Republic times or artificially created are still there,
even if nowadays they are degraded to dirty and tired streams or
still and lifeless water holes. The only exceptions are the
mountain areas of the Manarai, where the unrelenting downpours
supply a generous and constant change of water, and lake Lostreen
in the heart of the region that collects the waters of all the
region to then convey them to underground veins.
The worst region of Kalandar is doubtlessly the
one at the edge of the sprawl of Coruscant. Here there is
virtually no plant life, being poisoned or wasted by the colossal
buildings that press to expand. Little by little that the land at
the borders becomes sterile and polluted, an Imperial decree
declares it unrecoverable and assigned as construction area. In
that way in a few years Kalandar will be absorbed and disappear
The woodlands of Kalandar are still extensive
but have changed a lot from the parklands and gardens they used
to be. Where pollution has not poisoned the woods, nature has
reacted in a strange way, adapting to and absorbing the new
substances that are now in the air, soil and water and out of
control, growing beyond measure and uncontrollable. Most of
Kalandar's woods are a tangle of thorns and vegetation that grasp
at and cover the old ruins of past days, inhabited - if tall
tales told by the locals are to be listened to - by creatures
equally mutated and gone wild due to chemical pollution.
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