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Grail Quest Books Release WARS Novellas

Posted By JF on January 26, 2010

This summer, Grail Quest Books will unveil the first three installments of its WARS: The Battle of Phobos graphic novella series. The nine-part series (one trilogy per faction) will serve to introduce readers and WARS gamers to the depth and richness of Decipher's WARS universe while also building on the gaming and short fiction canon already published. Read the full press release, which includes details on each novella's story arc.

Decipher was the publisher of the internationally best-selling Star Wars Customizable Card Game (1995-2001), as well as the Episode I-themed Young Jedi CCG and the Jedi Knights TCG, which featured original 3D art. They are currently producing the Fight Klub TCG.

The novellas will be written by Sean E. Williams (not the Star Wars EU author), Jim Perry (host of The Adventures of Indiana Jim podcast and writer/director of Star Wars: Codename: Starkeeper audio drama), and Nathan P. Butler (author of the Kyle Katarn story "Equals & Opposites" in Star Wars Tales #21, founder of StarWarsFanworks.com, and host or co-host of several Star Wars-themed podcasts, including The Butlerniverse and The EU Review). Josh "Red 84" Radke is one of the co-founders of Grail Quest Books and may be recognized by some as TFN's Decipher-related content manager for the card game section from 1999-2004.

All three novellas, scheduled for release starting this summer (and continuing through the year), are available for pre-order right now for $20 each (with a limited money-back guarantee). Each novella will be approximately 120 pages and will include ten full-colour art lithographs by artists featured in the card and roleplaying games. (The product is similar in format to Dark Horse's Star Wars: Dark Forces graphic novella trilogy.) The novellas will initially be available through various online outlets upon release, and are expected to be available from at least one major bookseller chain by the end of the year.

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