Tales from Jabba's Palace
edited by Kevin J. Anderson

Published by Bantam Publishing

Scott's Rating: 4 out of 4
Darin's Rating: 4 out of 4

In RETURN OF THE JEDI, we got a good look at all the different aliens that lurked in Jabba's palace. You know that with all of those colorful characters, there had to be more to them than just being extras! TALES FROM JABBA'S PALACE tells you their stories. It gives you a clue as to who they are, why they were there, and what they were doing that fateful day when Luke and his buddies came a knockin'. Stories are told about Bib Fortuna, the Gamorrean Guard, the Rancor Keeper, the Dancers, Max Rebo's Band, Boba Fett, Salacious Crumb, and others. Rather than being a whole bunch of stand alone stories, they are a set of stories that are all interweaved into a series of subplots. You find out that there was a lot more going on behind the scenes than you ever imagined!

This is another great book. Again I like reading stories about the Star Wars Univers written by a wide variety of authors. My personal favorite stories (and I can't at this moment recall who they were written by) were Boba Fett's tale of escaping the Sarlacc, Salacious Crumb's tale, Max Rebo and his large band's tale, the Rancor Keeper's tale, EV 9D9's tale, and the story about the Fat Dancer. I really like the fact that it told one large story that played out over the events in Return of the Jedi and that a lot of things we assumed were true in the films were false. I also liked the fact that the same scenes were not described over and over again like in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina. I felt all of these authors had a really good feel for what STAR WARS was all about.
Stories about existing character's histories are wonderful additions to the literature out there. The fact that we get to read material from authors other than the "regulars" is also a great thing. Once you've read this anthology and it's sister anthology _Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina_, you'll want to go back and watch the movies again. Now that you know what was REALLY going on, the movies seem fresh, new and exiting once again.

I've been sitting here for several minutes trying to think of something I didn't care for or would have changed, but nothing comes to mind. Hmmmm. I must be losing my touch! I'll get back to you if I think of anything!
As good as these stories are, they may not be considered by Lucas to be Canon. For example, Lucas plans to expand the band in ROTJ, which makes for some difficulty with the story here (but check out the interview with Kevin J. Anderson coming soon--he offers an explanation for the continuity stormtroopers.

Definitely being digested by the Sarlacc, the Fat Dancer's enormous flab, and, oh, yeah, the king of big uglies....Jabba himself!
Hey! I thought the digestion stuff was cool! I agree with Scott about the Fat Dancer. Jabba, well, he's a Hutt--whattdya expect?