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[Virtual Sequels - News Archives]
First Draft of Episode VII Script Complete

Posted By Britany on April 28, 2003:

Project is ahead of schedule ...

Episode VII Title is Announced?

Posted By Britany on April 23, 2003:

Read on ...

Episode VII Release Date is Announced

Posted By Britany on April 16, 2003:

A Jedi is Taken in May...2004

And the Winners Are...

Posted By Britany on April 16, 2003:

The art was submitted. The art was reviewed. And, the art was judged ...

The Contest is Closed

Posted By Britany on April 16, 2003:

We have reached the deadline for artist submissions for the Virtual Sequels ...

A Glimpse into the VS

Posted By Britany on April 11, 2003:

3-D rendering by CRIMSON JACK ...

A Teaser Poster and a Contest

Posted By Britany on April 9, 2003:

Virtual Sequels team is looking for four artists to assist with the ongoing project ...

A Look At the Script

Posted By Britany on April 7, 2003:

Part of the working script ...

An Interview with Sean Hale, Script Coordinator for Episode VII

Posted By Britany on April 6, 2003:

, Jason Holliday sat down with Sean Hale aka Coral Duster ...

A Look at the Virtual Sequels Database Entry Archive

Posted By Britany on April 2, 2003:

Entries for the locations and character that will be appearing in Episode VII ...

Episode VII SPOILERS--News From the Script

Posted By Britany on February 22, 2003:

the opening scene ...

Work on the Script Has Begun

Posted By Britany on February 18, 2003:

for the yet unnamed Episode VII ...

Rumors of the Big Three

Posted By Britany on February 9, 2003:

Kane Skywalker, Thenna Sunshadow and Ben Skywalker ...

Contest Winner Announced!

Posted By Britany on February 3, 2003:

It took all weekend to deliberate, but the Core Members have finally decided on a winner ...

SPY REPORT- Another New Character For Episode VII

Posted By Britany on January 29, 2003:

A Jedi Master and Security Administrator at the Jedi Training Center ...

Create a Star Ship for The Virtual Sequels

Posted By Britany on January 22, 2003:

You, the fans, have been asking, begging practically to be able to contribute to the Virtual Sequels project, well, here's your chance ...

An Interview with Maria Taskova

Posted By Britany on January 16, 2003:

interview with Virtual Sequels "Core Team" member, Maria Taskova, aka Mar ...

Introducing a New Character

Posted By Britany on January 12, 2003:

A concept art drawing has been posted ...

New Concept Art

Posted By Britany on January 2, 2003:

concept art by Crimson Jack ...

Another Successful Scouting Trip

Posted By Britany on December 23, 2002:

Scouting for more locations for the upcoming Episode VII ...

Virtual Sequels Fan Art Page is Now Active

Posted By Britany on December 13, 2002:

Check out what your fellow Star Wars fans have been contributing to the Virtual Sequels project ...

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