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Star Wars: The Old Republic Updates

Posted By Dustin on August 28, 2009

There are two new updates on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website today:

Unmasking the Sith Warrior!
Drawing upon the power of the dark side, the Sith Warrior strikes enemies down with unrelenting might, commands the battlefield with absolute authority, and rises to greatness amongst fearful followers. Victory and conquest are the Sith Warrior?s destiny. Access the HoloNet to learn more about the Sith Warrior class and view combat videos and screenshots. Pledge your allegiance to the dark side by outfitting your desktop with our Sith Warrior wallpapers.

Threat of Peace #14
The fourteenth issue of Threat of Peace? is full of intrigue and excitement. Having just escaped from the Imperial transport, the Bounty Hunter Braden travels to Nar Shaddaa to make a deal with the crime lord Nok Drayen. After being rescued from her escape pod, Jedi Knight Satele Shan receives the news that Master Dar?Nala is dead. Meanwhile, the Imperial transport which carried both the Bounty Hunter and the Jedi Master arrives on Korriban only to be blown up by a mysterious bomb?

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November 28, 2009   The Old Republic Introduces Alderaan
November 24, 2009   Last Classes For The Old Republic Revealed
November 14, 2009   TOR Introduces The Imperial Agent
November 7, 2009   TOR Blog On Writing The Jedi Knight
October 31, 2009   Jedi Knights Of SW: The Old Republic
October 23, 2009   TOR: Threat Of Peace Issue #18
October 23, 2009   TOR Holorecord: The Battle Of Bathawui
October 17, 2009   TOR: The Battle For Balmora!
October 9, 2009   TOR: Threat Of Peace Issue #17
October 9, 2009   TOR Video: "The Making Of Coruscant"
September 29, 2009   SW:The Old Republic Beta Testing Signups
September 27, 2009   TOR: Threat Of Peace Issue #16
September 19, 2009   TOR At Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) 2009
September 19, 2009   TOR: Threat Of Peace Issue #15
September 12, 2009   The Old Republic Presents Coruscant
September 5, 2009   The Old Republic's 4th Holorecord Online
August 22, 2009   Star Wars: The Old Republic First Look
July 25, 2009   SDCC: Star Wars: The Old Republic
June 27, 2009   Star Wars: The Old Republic At Comic Con

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