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Rumor Alert: TCW: Republic Heroes

Posted By Mike on April 22, 2009

RUMER ALERT: Could a Clone Wars game finally be on the way for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3? Destructoid has sources that say a third person action game titled, The Clone Wars: Republic Hereos, is on the way for those consoles from Krome Studios. (who previously worked on the PS2/Wii/PSP versions of TFU and TCW: Lightsaber Duels on the Wii)

From Destructoid:

"Details on the game (are) scarce, but we're told Republic Heroes will feature a two-player cooperative mode, with both "Jedi" and "Clone" story missions. Players are said to play as Anakin Skywalker or Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano in a Jedi mode, and (at the very least) bounty hunter Cad Bane in the Clone missions. The game will have a focus on melee combat, complete with upgrades that can be purchased throughout the game. The ability to control droids, such as the rolling Droideka, was also mentioned by our tipster."

So far, Krome Studios offered Destructoid no confirmation or denial while LucasArts has yet to respond. We'll keep you posted as we hear more, but consider this to be in the rumor category until we hear something official.

Source: Destructoid via EUC (Thanks to Andrew A. for the heads up!)

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