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New LucasArts Title

Posted By Joshua on April 26, 2000

The LucasArts official website just updated with information on their newest title at E3: Escape from Monkey Island!

Hit their website now for the latest screenshots and here's a clip from their press release:

Internationally-Acclaimed Adventure Series Returns in 3D with Fresh Jokes, Rotten Puns, the Ultimate Insult and More Monkeys Than Ever

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- April 26, 2000 -- A scurvy-inducing new chapter in the legendary Monkey Island adventure series unfolds in rollicking 3D with Escape from Monkey Island from LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. Expected for release in fall 2000 for PC, Escape from Monkey Island finds series hero, perennial pirate-wannabe Guybrush Threepwood, returning to face sociopathic parrots, freakishly deformed buccaneers, and an insult flinging original villain with a sinister agenda.

Escape from Monkey Island continues in the hilarious tradition of its critically hailed and award-winning predecessors, The Secret of Monkey Island?, Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck?s Revenge?, and The Curse of Monkey Island?. Developed by the team who created LucasArts? irreverent classic Sam and Max Hit the Road?, Escape features an original cinematic story full of drama, intrigue and of course, side-splitting humor. The game is highlighted by hundreds of challenging puzzles, set amidst dozens of rich and brilliantly rendered backgrounds.

"The Monkey Island series of graphic adventures is one of LucasArts? strongest and most successful brands," says Tom Byron, product marketing manager for LucasArts. "Escape from Monkey Island continues LucasArts? considerable adventure game legacy and honors a series that is among the most popular in the world."

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