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More on Demolition

Posted By Joshua on April 21, 2000

Gamefan has posted a great roundup of the Demolition news in a preview of the new LucasArts-published title:

Enter Star Wars Demolition... It seems that LucasArts just wasn't content covering virtually every video game genre known to man, because the company announced today that it's bringing the "Star Wars" license into the overcrowded vehicular combat category. Now, don?t jump the gun, wannabe Jedis?at least the company has the right team working on the project. That?s right--instead of doing an in-house rush job, LucasArts has hired a few seasoned pros that go by the name of Luxoflux Entertainment?yes, the same cats that brought us the new vehicle destroying king Vigilante 8.

O.K., we know the coding of the game's in good hands; now you?re probably asking yourself, how the heck does vehicular combat fit into the "Star Wars" universe? Well, according to LucasArts' press release, Star Wars Demolition is set in between "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi," and dares players to compete in a series of brutal vehicular destruction contests organized by crime boss Jabba the Hutt. O.K., so LucasArts may have taken the cheap route and gone for the ever-popular post-"Empire" time frame--but come on, how cool will it be to fight in "Star Wars"-based land fighters?

Jabba the Hutt won?t be the only returning character from the popular film franchise, though; in fact, the notorious Boba Fett is listed as a playable character (bounty hunting must not pay what it used to), as is Aurra Sing (the funky-haired lady from "The Phantom Menace"). Wait, there?s more, young padawans--Wade Vox, a brand-new character, competes in Luke Skywalker?s former (and now heavily armed) land speeder. Now you can pick up those power converters in style!

Hit the link above for the rest.

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