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Has A KOTOR MMO Been Confirmed?

Posted By Mike on October 11, 2008

Hot on the heals of LFL trademarking 3 names (one of which included "Star Wars The Old Republic"), Portfolio.com is reporting the following:

"N. Evan Van Zelfden in Los Angeles warns, watch out World of Warcraft. In an interview at E3 this week, Electronic Arts chief executive John Riccitiello said that EA is working on the next version of Star Wars game Knights of the Old Republic, and it will most certainly have a massively multiplayer online component to it.

"We've got two of the most compelling MMOs in the industry in development," said Riccitiello. The first title, based on the Warhammer property, will launch soon. "And the one that people are dying for us to talk to them about -- in partnership with Lucas, coming out of BioWare, which is, I think, quite possibly the most anticipated game, full stop, for the industry at the point when we get closer to telling you about it."

Does Riccitiello mean the oft rumored Knights of the Old Republic Online? "Yes," he said."

Wow! Could this finally bring an end to years of rumors? Checked in with LucasArts to ask if they could confirm and I got a reply of "Nope." Not a denial though, right? We'll keep you posted as we hear more. Click here for the full post.

Thanks to "Master Devwi" for the heads up!

UPDATE: Rumor Alert! CVG is reporting that LucasArts will be unveiling their KOTOR MMO title within the next 30 day! Click here for the full report and keep your fingers crossed.

Source: EUCantina.net

UPDATE #2: Expanding on the update above, Gamasutra reports that BioWare and LucasArts will be revealing the KOTOR MMO on October 21, 2008.

From Gamasutra:

"LucasArts' and BioWare's long-awaited, much-discussed joint development project -- widely speculated to be an MMO set in the Star Wars universe circa BioWare's own Knights of the Old Republic -- will be revealed to the press October 21, according to an invitation sent out to media outlets including Gamasutra.

It is likely that the official announcement will come shortly after the October 21 press reveal held at LucasArts' San Francisco offices; events of this nature are frequently subject to a media embargo.

The postcard, which proclaims "The wait is over" and promises "the official unveiling of the game that's been rumored about for years," makes no explicit reference to Star Wars. It is branded with the LucasArts and BioWare logos and depicts floating robots and hooded figures in futuristic interior locations reminiscent of the sci-fi franchise."

We'll keep ya posted!

UPDATE #3: See below for a pic of the postcard that went out to media outlets regarding the announcement on October 21.

Source: EUCantina.net via G4TV.com

UPDATE #4: See the back of the postcard that went out below.

Thanks to "Davros Destiny" for the pic!

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