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Force Unleased For PC?

Posted By Jay on February 18, 2007

Forum member Jedi_Hendrik points out that any fan of PC Gaming should visit PetitionOnline.com and sign their petition to get The Force Unleashed on the PC.

While there may be some erroneous belief that the PS2, PSP and DS version will be the same as the next-gen console versions, (the petition originators "still find it hard to believe how the Playstation 2, the Playstation Portable and the Nintendo DS can run Digital Molecular Matter and Euphoria at all." See our earlier story about these versions, here), they do feel that many gamers will be pleased with a PC version.

So, if you support PC gaming and are excited to play The Force Unleashed at your desktop, click here to sign the petition.

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February 18, 2007   The Force Unleashed Game Informer Article
February 14, 2007   Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

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