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Demolition Cover Art Posted By Joshua on August 31, 2000
Robert is one of several TFN fans that received the nesletter from LucasArts, the inagural edition. It features an exclusive shot of Star Wars Demolition's Cover Art.
The inspiration and goal for the Demolition cover art was to capture the chaotic and brutal nature of the game. Illustrator Mike Bryan caught the vision and delivered this carnage-infused masterpiece. "We wanted to include some of Star Wars fans' favorite characters in the artwork," says Tom Byron, Director of Product Marketing. "This definitely puts Boba Fett front and center." Add a careening AT-ST, a dodging Battle Droid and an ominous, stalking Rancor and the stage is set for all-out, no-holds-barred Demolition!
We've posted a mini-poster of the cover art and you'll have to check the LucasArts website to see the real version. Subscribe to the newsletter for the latest in Star Wars gaming!