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Republic Commando Review

Microsoft Xbox
Reviewed by Joshua Griffin


Take everything good about Rainbox 6 and Halo and then add in all of the characters in the Star Wars universe. What you'll get is the best Star Wars game to date. You heard me right - even if you have to forgive me that this is my favorite genre and sci-fi franchise. While not quite as good as either game I've compared it to, LucasArts' Republic Commando is the first in what we hope is a stoic franchise much like the Jedi Knight series, a truly landmark moment in the Star Wars video game history. You'll absolutely love it!


I first played the game at E3 last May, and watched as the LucasArts team ran through one of the Kashyyyk levels. The graphics and sound are superb, and any chance you get to play in the upcoming movie scenarios before the film comes out is a huge win. I love the personality of the individual clones, and they're unique talents make for strategic and intentional use of personel. One of my favorite moments is when you take one hit too many, and you drop to the floor in shutdown. One of your squad, if directed, will come to your rescue - provided they've taken care of the threat or found cover to give you a jolt back to life. Another favorite moment is when you realize just how powerful your melee attack is, and then you run around literally splattering Genosians all over your clonetrooper faceplate. Man, I sound like a geek right there!

The involvement with the environment is strong, especially in the Genosian levels. Gunships drop supplies and you rescue downed crewman. Blast you way through waves of enemies and blow up any obstacles in your way. Teriffic stuff, and as an aside a great perspective of the battle through the eyes of the Clones instead of the Jedi. In fact, you almost begin to feel for them, instead of just seeing them as a mindless, dispensable non-human army. One of the few faults I have for the game is the use of bacta tanks to restore health, it just felt forced in concept though they were ideally placed in the skirmishes for my skill level. That, and the Super Battle Droids just being too freaking hard to kill.

The game will run you less than 20 hours to complete, but is a great run you'll want to play through - don't miss this title. Sure, part of the reason I love it so much was my love for 1st person and squad based shooters - but still, this is light years ahead of the less than stellar Battlefront last year. The online component is strong, but I would favor Halo 2 over it any day. The single player campaign is well worth your time and where the title shines - get it while it's hot.


If you like first-person or squad based video games, you're going to dig this one. While not the dominating force in the genre, it is a incredible romp into the Star Wars universe that won't be forgotten until LucasArts quickly delivers a sequel. We can't wait!


93 out of 100
A TFN Must Buy

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