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Reviewed by Mark Isaacson

This is a Game Boy Advance conversion, developed and published by THQ, of the Playstation game of the same name.

In the last two months there has been plenty to be pleased about. Rogue Leader, Galactic Battlegrounds, Starfighter SE. Not to mention the hype surrounding Jedi Starfighter & Jedi Outcast.
There is one game, however, that went completly unnoticed by many of us, that being THQ's Jedi Power Battles. I admit that my time over the last few months has been taken up by Rogue Leader and GBG, and I didn't take much notice of this title upon its release. But, as some of you have requested, I've found just enough time (between Racer Revenge) to give this game the once over, and I'm not all that impressed.

First of all, JPB remindes me too much of another THQ portable Star Wars game, that being Obi-Wan's Adventures, which was released last year on the Game Boy Color. That wasn't such a bad effort (read my review for more). But apart from a graphic overhaul and a few additions here and there, this (I suppose you can call it) upgrade is far from what it should be.

The main problem (which also occured in OBA) is the not so neat control system. I found it difficult and annoying trying to control the characters on screen perfectly. Jumping over gaps became something of a chore, while battles were boring (to say the least). Block the laser, cut him down, Block the laser, cut him down, etc, etc. Anyone for a paint drying show?

I've always said that the most important aspect in any video game these days is lastability. Why? You don't want to spend you hard earned money on something that will last you all of one day to complete. Here's the other major stumbling block for JPB. I finished this not long after I started (not to show off or anything). As far as I'm concerned, this just isn't good enough. And the fact that no multiplayer options are included either really hammers the nail in the already full coffin.

To defend the game in some way, the graphics are half decent, with few glitches around the place. And the sound isn't all that bad either, with some nice takes on the movie tunes and an interesting version of the lightsaber hummmm.

The Game Boy Advance can handle much more then what is on offer here. What THQ should be developing is something along the lines of the SNES Star Wars series of games. That style and substance makes for a much more rewarding time then JPB.
One the bright side, from what I've seen so far, Episode 2 GBA looks to be worth waiting for. I suggest waiting for that before giving Jedi Power Battles a go.

Poor Gameplay, the lack of multiplayer options and sloppy controls. Three things nobody wants to hear. Let's hope the next effort is more enjoyable.


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