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Reviewed by Mark Isaacson

Jedi Starfighter, originally released on the Playstation 2 to a warm reception, makes a welcome trip to the X-Box, although without the words "Special Edition" tagged on the end.

Once again LucasArts grace the X-Box with a conversion of a PS2 title. Not that it's a bad thing or anything, but I get the feeling X-Box Star Wars fans aren't all that happy at the moment. Not to worry, Jedi Starfighter is a perfect addition to anyones library, even if it is a total conversion.

If you don't know already, Jedi Starfighter takes place before and during the events of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (joy!), with the first (and possibly only) appearance of the true capability of the Jedi Starfighter. Yes, it was great to see Obi-Wan fly through the asteroid field, chased by Jango Fett and Salve 1. But I felt a little disappointed that no effort was made to include the Starfighter's force powers.
Anyway, back to the task at hand, here you get to enjoy the Jedi Starfighter's force powers, including the likes of force shield, force lightning and force shock wave (my personal favorite). And your going to need all the force powers possible to evade and destory the varied enemies that wait in your path, including a few familiar vehicles from the movie.

The original PS2 version (which I reviewed here) was a solid title, with only a few minor errors in terms of graphical presentation (and the slightly rushed feel to get the game out before Episode II, why I'll never know). Flying the Starfighter was fairly easy enough, while the missions themselves ranged from decent to excellent. The big stand out, though, were the multiplayer options (including the usual mixed bag of options and co-op scenarios) and they have been included here in all their enjoyment.

JS on X-Box is a some what more polished version in terms of the frame rate and other graphical effects, but no new elements or additions gameplay wise have been added (as far as I can see). For those who are yet to play Jedi Starfighter, this isn't a problem at all. But those hoping for a second 'Special Edition' version will feel a little sad by the lack of new features.

Jedi Starfighter won't set the world alight, at least not as much as the original Starfighter and the Gamecube smash hit Rogue Leader did, but to tell you the truth, flying a Jedi Starfighter is a lot more rewarding compared to the Naboo Starfighter in the original. Keeping this in mind, and the slight improvements made in some areas, Jedi Starfighter on the X-Box is a very worthwhile option.

And if you are tossing up between JS and Starfighter: Special Edition for your next X-Box purchase, JS is the clear winner simple due to the multiplayer options available, far and away more enjoyable then those in the S:SE.

A clean and complete conversion of a very good Star Wars console title. Just a pitty nothing new was added.


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