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For Mac OSX Reviewed by Mark Isaacson

Released last year on the PC, Galactic Battlegrounds is real time strategy based in the Star Wars universe. It allows you to choose to play as one of 6 key SW races and battle either in a collection of scenario missions or against the computer and a friend.

Everyone who reads TFNGames will know about Galactic Battlgrounds and its expansion, The Clone Campaigns. And now, thanks to the great men and women at Aspyr, Mac gamers can join in on the fun too.

Everything from the PC original is here, this of course includes the 6 scenarios that has you building and raging war as the Empire, Trade Federation, Naboo, Gungans, Wookiees and the Alliance.

What's most pleasing abot GB here is that everything runs just as well as the original, which means Mac gamers will not miss out on any of the action. Every unit runs smoothly (dis-regarding the fact that the oldish Age of Empires engine is behind it) and the collection of music by John Williams helps to lift the tempo during battles.

In truth, since this is just about spot on, you can read my PC Galactic Battlegrounds review as that covers everything that I would have mentioned here, including the fact that although the graphics are slightly older then say Age of Mythology or Warcraft III, the opportunity to battle in the Star Wars universe with a strong control scheme and scenario set more then makes up for it.

I suppose there are only a few downsides to it all. For those who are lucky enough to not only own a PC but also a Mac, there isn't a real reason to purchase this if you already own the PC version. And sadly there is no option to allow Mac gamers to play with PC gamers over one internet server (although I am yet to plug in a Mac and PC on one LAN, so I won't jump to too much of a conclusion there).
Still, I'm sure plenty of you will enjoy playing fellow Macs, I don't see why not. There are plenty of options to choose from, such as how much carbon to start with, how many units per team, etc. so you will never get bored in that respect.

The only question that is left after this is will we get to see a conversion of Clone Campaigns? I'd say without a shadow of a doubt, but I don't work for LucasArts or Aspyr :(
In the meantime, you can also look forward to a perfect conversion of Jedi Outcast.

The Mac gaming world is certainly well looked after.

What we have then is a complete conversion, nothing missing and sadly nothing new. But you can be sure, all loyal Mac owners, that this is well worth a play. Place this on the 'must buy' list today along with Jedi Outcast which is out soon.
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