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TFN Staff Review - Tom

In order for you to get a sense of the reviewer, and his perspective, let me tell you a bit about myself. I love the computer, and gaming comes with it. I've never bought a First Person Shooter mainly because they didn't appeal to be that much. I played the Jedi Knight demo, and while it was all right, it wasn't all that attractive to me because 1) I sucked, and 2) it was hard to follow the action, what was happening where and soforth. I decided to give Jedi Outcast a try though.

I started out playing the single player missions. It was fun at first, but quickly got boring. As many other reviews have said, the first three levels were boring. I ended up going into Multiplayer (create my owner server to play around with) to play around with the force. Then I played with the force all the time in multiplayer with actual people. But after some encouragement from my friends, and the promise of it getting better, I went back to single player. And it did get better.

Once I got the force, it got a lot more fun. It was so much fun in fact, I got yelled at for not coming to dinner! At once you do get to that fourth level, you won't quit easily. Until at least you get to the point where you (spoilers, highlight to read) rescue Jan. The 1.03 patch made the movements so buggy I couldn't advance, and lost my save game before the 1.04 patch came out, so I don't know if that fixed the problem.

For someone whose introduction into this genre is this game, I find it beautiful. Running the game at 800x600 with most details on an average setting, I find the game very well detailed. It runs on my 933 Pentium 3 256 MB RAM nVIDIA Vanta 16mb onboard video quite well, and doesn't lag, even the middle of a huge lightfight.

The fan support for the game is incredible. Sites such as JediKnightII.net and more give it such a great amount of replay value. New Skins and game mods like JediMod3++ can give you everything Aayla Secure to new lightsaber stances to yoda! New Maps come out often and give the game a refreshing feel. Campaigns are forthcoming, the most notable the Attack of the Clones Total Conversion. Following the events of the movie, it will be one of the best out there.

I would highly recommend this game. It's got great graphics, it's got great sound, it's got a good plot, and a great fun factor. The replay value increases with every new skin, mod, and map and with all the tools available for it, it will be around for a while.

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