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TFNG First Look at ProMod3

The first thing I noticed when I loaded up ProMod3 was the new Jedi Outcast Main Screen. I thought to myself, this is no half-heatedly done mod! I found myself to be mostly correct.

I started it up in the map Canyon Oasis, and fiddled around with things by myself. It was here that I immediately noticed a few bugs. I should say now that these have not replicated themselves. It may have been a first-time play bug. Small things like being able to do a Full Force jump without it being on.

I set my stats in different guns and was overall impressed by the distribution set-up. You can't max out any one side, force or weapons. This makes you choose carefully which weapons you want maxed and which you want there. You also lose access to the highest levels of weaponry when you start adding force powers.

The Gadget Skill I was very impressed by, in concept. Being able to start with certain gadgets and the jetpack is a nice touch. I said the jetpack was a nice touch. In performance tests, it was inconsistent. At times I could execute jumps higher than Force Jump, other times it struggled to lift me off the group. Other times it couldn't. A better idea would have been to modify the other JetPack Mod to add in the delay factor.

The saber aspect of ProMod was difficult to test. Because I was fighting against a bot, I found some things difficult to test. It was however, easy to see that in close, the Saber had a large advantage over the gunner. However, at farther range, the gunner was able to take out the Saber much easier. This would probably be much more even in a Human vs Human match.

Some things I noticed different was the kick-off of a person was much harder to execute. The addition of the +/- bonuses when fighting stances was interesting. This will probably encourage more switching up of stances. The CSC, or Combat Strength Crosshair, was an interesting addition, however, I didn't feel it helped my gameplay.

For further information (and without needing to download the file), you can view a copy of the ProMod3 Readme in it's entirety.

If you have a short review (or a long one) send it in!

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