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Version 1.04 is a cumulative patch, meaning it includes Version 1.03. V1.03 is listed for completeist purposes
Version 1.04
NOTE: This update includes all modifications that were originally incorporated in Jedi Outcast version 1.03. This update addresses multiplayer bug fixes and balance issues only. It will not affect your saved games. All Multiplayer users must use Jedi Outcast version 1.04.

Corrects various multiplayer gameplay issues, including:

Corrected issue which caused servers to crash in rare instances.
Corrected issue causing damage not to ramp up and down properly when using the backstab move in light saber stance.
Corrected bug allowing players to pivot while executing backstab moves in all stances. Players may no longer pivot when executing these moves.
Fixed bug causing force pull to be unblockable by people with equal or greater pull rank.
Adjusted ammo usage of the Imperial repeater alt-fire.
Fixed bug allowing inventory items to be used in FFA saber challenges.
Corrected an exploit which allowed players to fall from large heights at a slow rate.
Corrected issue which caused pain sounds not to play properly when hit by opponents. Pain sounds should now be relative to the amount of damage taken.

Version 1.03
* Includes EAX(r) ADVANCED HD(tm) Audio Enhancement, featuring 3D positional audio, Environmental Morphing(tm), obstruction, occlusion, and advanced environmental reverberations, specially developed for Jedi Outcast. To enable this feature, simply enable the EAX option in the Sound Setup menu.

NOTE: EAX ADVANCED HD game audio technology is only supported by Creative Labs' Sound Blaster Audigy Family.

* Include 4 new Multiplayer Duel levels, which support BOTs.
* The new levels are:

*duel_bespin, duel_temple, duel_hangar, and duel_training

Single Player:
* Provide Force Feedback mouse support.
* Provide limited Force Feedback support for joysticks.

NOTE: Force Feedback joystick effect is not fully supported in this update.

* Corrects an issue where players were unable to cycle to detonator packs and trip mines on the ?explosives? key unless they also had Thermal Detonators.
* Corrects an issue that prevented launching a multiplayer game on AMD(TM) dual processor machines.
* Corrected an exploit to prevent players from using illegal models in the game.
* Corrected an exploit that allowed players to have force powers outside of what the server rules allow.
* Added a keyboard icon that appears over the player's head when the player is chatting or configuring force powers.
* Backflip now requires that you double tap the jump button.
* Lightsaber usage in multiplayer has been modified to work similarly to the way it works in single player levels. This will enable better saber battles up close with your opponent.
* Lightsabers will do less damage at the very start and very end of a swing. This should prevent kills from just touching an opponent with the tip of your lightsaber.
* Other players will not see the glow from a player using force absorb until they are attacked.
* Force Heal and Force Drain have been adjusted to require more force energy to use them.
* Corrected an issue that prevent lightsaber locking from occurring in duels even if it was enabled by the server.
* Correct various Duel mode issues, including:
* Reconfiguring force powers will not place your player at bottom of queue.
* If one player leaves during a match when dueling with more than 1 kill limit, the next person in line will not enter the match with the score of the person who left the match.
* Changing skins will no longer produce a loss score on HUD that includes fraglimit.
Single Player:
* Corrected an issue that would cause the third AT-ST on Artus_Topside to disappear that prevented Jan from landing.
* Corrected an issue that caused enemies not to be alerted by the body of a comrade in their field of vision.
* Corrected an issue where enemies did not try to avoid thermal detonators that were thrown at them.
* Corrected an issue that would cause the player to be unable to attack for about thirty seconds if they were force pushed out of a saberlock.
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