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MultiPlay Etiquette
The Ten Commandments of MultiPlay
- Thou shalt not kill if a person is talking.
If you see a person with a little icon above their head, and not moving, it means they are either typing or configuring their options. Just Walk Away
- Thou shalt not abuse the first Commandment.
If you're in a heated battle you're losing, don't hit escape hoping he won't kill you. And if it happens to you, you have every right to kill him.
- Thou shalt not camp.
Don't stand by a spot you know people respawn at with the intent to kill them as soon s their flash in.
Additionally, don't sit in a spot where you can kill people using the enviorment (IE: The panel of the trash compactor in the Death Star level).
- Thou shalt not be a grief player.
Don't kill someone then laugh and brag about it (okay brag a little if it really was spectacular, but not overly. If it was that great, it was more luck than skill.) The object is to have fun. Remeber, there was a time when you sucked too.
- Thou shalt not be a repeat player.
It's hard to define, but a repeat player is someone who constantly and generally uses one method to kill, that is near an insta-kill. An example is a backstabber with light stance, or a swinger with heavy stance. Vary it up
- Thou shalt not lag intentionally.
Anyone who stocks up on downloads, or gets a "lagging program" needs to have their head examined.
- Thou shalt not lag overly.
If you go into a server and absolutely rip it apart with your lag, and you know you caused it, suck it up and try again later. We'll respect you that much more.
- Thou shalt not complain overly about lag.
A "lag" right before or after you fall to your death once or awhile is perfectly accpetable, but constantly screaming "LAG!!!" and such after every death is annoying.
- Tou shalt not suicide
If you join a team and purposely suicide just to down the team, you will get kicked. And you deserve it
- Thy shalt treat thy neightbor as thyself would wish to be treated.
Don't go cursing up a storm at someone, or screaming that they suck. Neither should you gang up on someone(s) in a teams game. You'll have more fun if you try and even them out.