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MiniGames - Concussion VolleyBall

Preparation - You need a large open area with a very high ceiling, Level Three Push, and lots of Metallic Bolt Ammo and the Imperial Heavy Repeater.
Optional - Shield, Trip Mines
Suggested Maps - Bespin FFA in the courtyard or dueling platform, and either of the Nar Shadda levels work as well.

It's based on VolleyBall. You shoot a Concussion Blast into the air, arcing it toward your partner. He force-pushes it back at you. Repeat as many times as you can.

Variations Put a shield in the middle as a "net".
Define a "court" using trip mines.
Try "juggling"; shooting off a blast straight up, running over a bit, shooting another straight up, running back to the first, pushing it, etc etc
Try multiple "balls" in play at once
Play with other weapons, this hasn't been tested with the Golan Arms, or Thermal Detonators.

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