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As previously announced:
TFNGames and Aspyr Media have joined forces to give you the chance to win some great Jedi Outcast prizes:

1st Prize: A copy of Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II for Macintosh.
2nd Prize: The official strategy guide to Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II.
3rd Prize: A Jedi Outcast sweatshirt.

To enter, all you need to do is create some artwork based on the characters or themes from the game itself. It can be any type of image, either generated by hand or by computer, but it must have something in relation to the game. Once you think your artwork is complete and ready for display on TFNG, send it to us via email at games@theforce.net. A judging panel from TFN and Aspyr will choose the best entry and two runner-ups, and they will be posted here for all to see. Entries close on November 30, 2002 and are open to all US residents only.

Good Luck and get drawing.

Well, we got a ton of talented entries; however, winners had to be chosen, and they were! Congrats guys, and if you're looking for another contest to enter, check out the Bount Hunter Sweepstakes by LucasArts, ending Jan 10, 2003.
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