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LucasArts Trailer

Video One (of 3)
The First Video is a Kel Dor weilding two sabers and fighting a Dark Jedi (probably) who also weild two sabers. The action is fast and intense, and, in my opinion strikes a blow to those who wanted more realistic saber combat; the action seems to be a lot of button mashing, and I couldn't see any type of strategy really.

Video Two (of 3)
The second video is what appears to be a female human who weilds two yellow sabers. She takes out a hangar of bad guys shotting at her with blaster rifles, and one Imperial Heavy Repeater. She force pulls a few, and deflects a bunch of bolts. The bolt-deflection looked very cool, and level very nice, but really, nothing new was presented, except for her waving her second saber around.

Video Three (of 3)
The Third Video shows a person weilding one saber (finally) who gets attacked by some tuskan raiders on Tatooine. She is knocked down, rolls around, gets up, uses a nice combo to take out two of the three Raiders, then pushed and slces the last.
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