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Title: Star Wars ? Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Availability: September 16th, 2003
Genre: 3-D Action
Platform: PC Windows, X-Box
PC Developer: Raven Software
X-Box Development: Vicarious Visions

Storyline: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy has the player assume the role of a Jedi apprentice of his or her own creation. The apprentice joins the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 fourteen years after the events of A New Hope in order to learn the ways of the Force. Since Luke Skywalker believes in training by doing, he sends the young apprentice on missions to hone his or her skills. During this time, a mysterious cult emerges to threaten the galaxy, and the Academy is tasked with finding out who they are and what they are doing?

Technology: Jedi Academy uses a heavily modified version of id Software??s Quake III: Team Arena? engine. New features added since Jedi Outcast are:

Character customization system - allows players to create their own Jedi in both SP and MP (estimating 2160 combinations currently)
Ghoul II enhancements including the Ghoul infinite Model modification system - Allows for modular model enhancements, custom colorization, and expanded animation support
New ICARUS II scripting system for Single player and Multiplayer. Now allows for scripted events in multiplayer matches.
New map creation tools allowing for models to be used as in world objects instead of just textures. Creates richer 3-D environments.
New non-linear mission progression system.
Raven?s ARIOCHE terrain system.
Portal skies
Rag doll skeletal system
Enhanced vehicle system. Allows for new ride-able vehicles in addition to previous drive-able ones.

Player Character: Players can create their own characters by defining various characteristics, such as species, gender, clothing and physical attributes allowing for a more personal experience before entering the academy to learn the powers - and dangers - of the Force.

Familiar faces: Several recognizable faces from the Star Wars films make appearances in Jedi Academy. There will be levels where some of these characters join the player on their missions. For example, Kyle Katarn and Luke Skywalker will guide you through your Jedi training at various points and you?ll run into Chewbacca somewhere along the way. Other characters are being kept under wraps right now.

Lightsaber Combat: Construct your own lightsaber from fifteen different handles and six different blade colors. Utilize two sabers if you prefer or try the ultimate dual-bladed lightsaber made famous by Darth Maul.
Unleash nearly double the combat and acrobatic moves available in Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast.
Each saber style (single/dual/double bladed) has its own unique set of standard attacks, special moves, and acrobatic moves which will allow the players to choose the style that best suits their individual combat style.

Multiplayer: Create a character by customizing your appearance, your lightsaber and your saber style, then choose your force powers from a host of neutral, dark side and light side abilities.
Engage in online multiplayer battles in Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and Duel, along with new Siege and Power Duel game types.

Siege Multiplayer: Choose between several player classes with different advantages, disadvantages and abilities. Each class has something to contribute in a given game, and some classes are required to get past certain areas on the various maps.
Special attributes include the ability to hack open locked doors and re-supply and heal teammates.
Each class represents an aspect helpful in attacking or defending an objective.

Power Duel: Power Duel is allowallows two players to square off against one player just as Obi-Wan and Qui Gon fought against Darth Maul and Anakin and Obi-Wan fought against Count Dooku. The player has the option of choosing to be part of the two-player team or to stand by himself.

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