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Reactions to Galaxies

I've been playing games since Atari, MMORPGs since Ultima Online, and I must say this game lacks depth and content. As a Star Wars fan this game is amazing. The roleplaying aspect is great. The graphics are amazing. As a MMORPG game this game falls short. Falls short of what? Well, just about every MMORPG I can think of. After you level up your skills and become Master Bounty Hunter, Master Commando, or Master whatever...... then what? Okay, lets either buy the best suit of armor you can get or buy the coolest looking clothes from a Master Tailor. That should take all of one day to accomplish. In EverQuest there where tons of quests, dungeons, and new loot. In Anarchy Online there is tower battles and some dungeons. SWG has Battlefields, which in my opinion are a nice change from just getting blasted from a mountain while you are sitting and waiting for a shuttle. So in conclusion Star Wars: Galaxies is amazingly fun until you spend all your skill points.


After spending about 4 hours straight playing, so far the graphics impress me the most. Gameplay is somewhat weak, so far it seems like it's all combat, missions, or just walking around.

The combat is awkward, and it's easy to die too fast. When you run it seems like you are walking, so you better not be in a hurry to play this game. As for going on missions, the waypoints to get to your target are not always clear, especially in city areas, which makes it really hard to finish missions. And since basically all you can do is combat or missions, it's surprising that the manual is so thick (192 pages). For all the detail the manual goes into I can't say I feel like there is a lot to do in this game. I guess for the socialites there is the chat option, but I'd rather play than stand around chatting. Will updates and patches improve these things? I sure hope so. So far, I'll give it a 5 out of 10. Yo LucasArts and Sony -- get cracking!!!


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