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Episode I: the Phantom Menace

You Get By Entering or Doing This
Always Play Level Modifier(GameShark) 300B3A3B 00??
Start on Level Modifier (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)(GameShark) E00B3A3B 0000 300B3A3B 00??
Level Modifiers (GameShark) 00 - Trade Federation Ship
01 - The Swamps of Naboo
02 - Otoh Gunqa
03 - Gardens of Theed
04 - Escape from Theed
05 - Mos Espa
06 - The Mos Espa Arena
07 - Encounter in the Desert
08 - Coruscant
09 - Assualt on Theed
0A - The Final Battle
Enhanced Powers
Debug Menu: Level Select, FMV Sequence, sound test, and invincibility. At the main menu, highlight "Options", but do not select it. Press Triangle, Circle, Left, L1, R2, Square, Circle, Left. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a beep. Then, hold L1 + Select + Triangle
Open Cheat Menu (Press Select At Title Screen)(GameShark) D0086268 0100 800B3A50 0004
Invincible (All Characters)(GameShark) 800B6944 0001
Infinite Ammo (All Characters) (GameShark) 8004E036 2400
Max Force (GameShark) 800B829C 1000
Have All Items (GameShark) 800B7B72 FFFF 800B7B74 FFFF 800B7B76 FFFF
Stop Game Timer (GameShark) 800B4096 0000
Required For All Following Codes(GameShark) 800B86F4 0000
Infinite Health (GameShark) 800B8490 0064
Have Light Saber (GameShark) 800B84A4 0001
Have Blaster w/999 Ammo (GameShark) 800B84A8 03E7
Have Light Repeating Blaster w/999 Ammo (GameShark) 800B84AC 03E7
Have Proton Missle Launcher w/999 Ammo (GameShark) 800B84B0 03E7
Have 999 Thermal Detonators (GameShark) 800B84B4 03E7
Have 999 Gungan Energy Balls (GameShark) 800B84B8 03E7
Have 999 Flash Grenades (GameShark) 800B84BC 03E7
Have Droid Stunner (GameShark) 800B84C4 0001
Have R-65 Heavy Blaster w/999 Ammo (GameShark) 800B84C8 03E7
Have Naboo Blaster w/999 Ammo (GameShark) 800B84CC 03E7
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