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To enter all of the cheats, open the console by pressing Shift and ~, then type devmapall and press enter.

They will only work in Single Player or a Multiplayer Server that has codes enabled.
You Get By Entering or Doing This
Enhanced Powers
God Mode god
All Weapons & Armor give all
Armor give armor
Full Health give health
Full Ammo give ammo
An Item give X (where X is the name of the item)
Force Heal force_heal
Kill all NPC's npc kill all
Get force powers, set to levels 1-4 setForceAll
Set all lightsaber abilities setsaberall X (where X is a number 1-10
Spawn NPC npc spawn X (where X is the name of the NPC)
Freeze an NPC (0 unfreezes them) d_npc freeze 1
Game Production
Show Shaders shaderlist
Record a Game record X (where X is the name)
Stop Recording stoprecord
Play a Demo demo X (where X is the name)
Freeze a Game for X seconds freeze X
Modes of Play
No Clipping noclip
Invisable to Enemies notarget
Dead Mode undying
Dismembering w/ the Lightsaber (turn it on at the options menu after enabling this code) g_saberrealisticcombat X (where X is a number 1-20)
Change color of the Lightsaber sabercolor X Y (where X is 1 if the top blade, 2 for the other blade, and Y is the color red, purple, blue, yellow, green, or orange)

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