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Episode I Racer

You Get By Entering or Doing This
Unlock All Amateur Tracks(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 80113E68 00FF
All Amateur Tracks Completed(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 81113E6C 3FFF
Unlock All Semi-Pro Tracks(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 80113E69 00FF
All Semi-Pro Tracks Completed(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 81113E6E 3FFF
Unlock All Galactic Tracks (GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 80113E6A 00FF
All Galactic Tracks Completed (GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 81113E70 3FFF
Unlock All Invitational Tracks (GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 80113E6B 00FF
All Invitational Tracks Completed (GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 81113E72 00FF
Unlock All Tracks (GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 81113E68 FFFF 81113E6A FFFF
Always Place First Player 1(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 80118FED 0001
Low Timer Player 1(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 81119004 3F80
Start on Lap ... Player 1(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) D011900B 0000 8111900A 00??
00 - Lap 1; 01 - Lap 2; 02 - Lap 3; 03 - Lap 4; 04 - Lap 5
Always on Lap ... Player 1(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 8111900A 00??
00 - Lap 1; 01 - Lap 2; 02 - Lap 3; 03 - Lap 4; 04 - Lap 5
Always Place First Player 2(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 80119075 0001
Low Timer Player 2(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 8111908C 3F80
Start on Lap ... Player 2(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) D0119093 0000 81119092 00??
00 - Lap 1; 01 - Lap 2; 02 - Lap 3; 03 - Lap 4; 04 - Lap 5
Always on Lap ... Player 2(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 81119092 00??
00 - Lap 1; 01 - Lap 2; 02 - Lap 3; 03 - Lap 4; 04 - Lap 5
Sebulba's Pod Racer Win the last race
Cy Yunga To play as Cy Yunga select an empty space in tournament mode and hold Z while pressing L over the letters RRCYYUN. While still holding Z, highlight END and press L, A.

NOTE: You must have Bullseye Navior to use this code.

Jinn Reeso Select an empty file, then press and hold the Z button while you scroll through the letters. Spell out the word "RRJINNRE" by holding Z and pressing the L button while over each letter. You should see the code spell out in the bottom left corner of the screen. When you are finished, hilight END and press L.

NOTE: This code only works AFTER you unlock Mars Guo.

Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Sebulba
The Boonta Classic
Galactic Circuit
Lap Time: 02:04:210
Race Time:06:20:012
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Aldar Beedo
Beedo's Wild Ride
Amateur Circuit
Lap Time: 01:02:986
Race Time:03:16:697
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Ratts Tyerell
Howler Gorge
Semipro Circuit
Lap Time: 01:31:370
Race Time:04:48:510
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Mawhonic
Andobi Mtn. Run
Galactic Circuit
Lap Time: 01:39:309
Race Time:05:05:648
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Slide Paramita
AP Centrum
Invitational Circuit
Lap Time: 00:58:410
Race Time:03:03:260
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters ? Clegg Holdfast
Aquilaris Classic
Amateur Circuit
Lap Time: 01:04:700
Race Time:03:16:926
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Bullseye Navior
Sunken City
Semipro Circuit
Lap Time: 01:52:620
Race Time:05:43:101
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Ark Bumpy Roose
Bumpy's Breakers
Semipro Circuit
Lap Time: 02:09:358
Race Time:06:47:380
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Wan Sandage
Scrapper's Run
Semipro Circuit
Lap Time: 00:44:904
Race Time:02:23:978
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Bozzie Baranta
Invitational Circuit
Lap Time: 01:02:639
Race Time:03:12:934
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Neva Kee
Baroo Coast
Semipro Circuit
Lap Time: 01:38:300
Race Time:04:59:640
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Ben Quadinaros
Invitational Circuit
Lap Time: 00:59:549
Race Time:03:04:160
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Teemto Pagalies
Mon Gazza Speedway
Amateur Circuit
Lap Time: 00:16:072
Race Time:00:52:081
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Mars Guo
Spice Mine Run
Amateur Circuit
Lap Time: 01:29:470
Race Time:04:30:880
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Boles Roor
Zugga Challenge
Semipro Circuit
Lap Time: 02:01:261
Race Time:06:10:897
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Fud Sang
Amateur Circuit
Lap Time: 01:16:880
Race Time:03:51:921
Times & Tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters Toy Dampner
Galactic Circuit
Lap Time: 00:31:540
Race Time:04:42:310
Unlock All Characters(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 81113E74 007D 81113E76 FFFF
Enhanced Powers
6 Pit Droids Go to an empty game slot in tournament mode. Holding Z and entering the letters with L, type in RRPITDROID. Then select End and put in initials as usual. At Watto's shop, press UP, Down, Left, Right, Right, and Up. Now you will be able to have 6 pitdroids.
All Codes If you want to get all of the cheats, first enter the game in Tournament mode, and go the an empty name spot. Put in RRDEBUG as your name (hold down Z and use L to put the letters in. You should see it in the lower left part of your screen. Then, still holding Z, use L to push the end button. OK should pop up in the lower left of your screen.

Using Z and L as before, type in RRTANGENTABACUS. Then start any race, pause it at any time, and on the panel on the far left of your controller push up, left, down, then right. Cheat options should then show up, and you will be able to use any of the cheats.

Invincibility Select an empty game save (to erase, press C-Up), the hold the Z button while scrolling through the letters on the name entry screen. To enter a letter, hit the L Button. Enter the word: RRJABBA. When you're finished, select "End" and hit L again. Now enter your name the usual way.

Start a race and press START to pause it. Now press D-Pad left, down, right, up -- and you will be invincible.

Turbo Boost At the beginning of the race the announcer will say, "3... 2... 1!" Just before he says, "1!", push the analog stick UP and press A. If it worked your pilot will shout.
Debug Option Select tournament mode, then choose an empty name entry. Hold Z and enter "RRDEBUG" as a name, while pressing L to enter each letter. After entering each letter, they should appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Then, highlight "End" and press L followed by A. Begin a race on any tournament track. Then, pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right to access the cheat menu. The debug option may now be enabled on the cheat menu.
Debug controls set the "Debug Level" option on the cheat menu to any number except zero. Then during a race, press one of the following directions on the D-pad to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Result Button(s)
See through walls Left + Z
Fast-forward level Up
Re-wind level Down
Invisiblity Left
Suicide Right
Infinite Money(GameShark 2.2 or higher required) 81113E78 7FFF 81113E7A FFFF
(GameShark 2.2 or higher required)
Game Production
Debug Menu Start on an empty file in the tournament mode. Now, where it tells you to put your initials press and hold the Z button while going through the letters and instead of pressing a to put in a letter, press the L button. When doing this correctly, the letters that you are typing should flash on the bottom, left of your screen. Enter "RRDEBUG". Then while still holding Z, go to the word "end" and press the L button. After doing that, type in your initials the regular way using the A button. During any race press the Start Button and then press Left, Down, Right, Up on the D-pad.
Show Credits This code allows players to view a photo of the team that designed this game. Take first place in all Tournament mode races, then activate the mirror courses in the Track Info Screen. When the Title Screen goes into demo mode, press Up-C.
Modes of Play
Auto-pilot Enter the "All Codes" cheat shown above. During play press R then Z. the pod racer will automatically navigate the coarse, the speed is the only thing you control. But do not touch the joystick, if you do your podracer will spin around and lose control. To get the Podracer under your control again, press R then Z.
Dual Control Mode Select an empty game save (to erase, press C-Up), the hold the Z button while scrolling through the letters on the name entry screen. To enter a letter, hit the L Button. Enter the following word: RRDUAL. When you're finished, select "End" and hit L again. Now enter your name the usual way.

You now control the game with two analog sticks. Use controller ports #1 and #3, press forward on both sticks to drive and pull back to steer.

Mirror Mode Select an empty game save (to erase, press C-Up), the hold the Z button while scrolling through the letters on the name entry screen. To enter a letter, hit the L Button. Enter the word: RRTHEBEAST. When you're finished, select "End" and hit L again. Now enter your name the usual way.

Pause the race during gameplay and enter D-Pad left, down, right, up .

Taunts Go to tournament mode and pick a race. Before starting the race press and hold the Z button. Begin the race as normal still holding the Z button and your podracer pilot will taunt the other racers. NOTE: This will not work if your podracer is the track favorite.
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