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Rebel Assault

Press Control + L at the main menu to insert codes
You Get By Entering or Doing This
Easy Level Codes
Level                         Password
01: Asteroid Field Training   (none)
02: Planet Kolaador           BOSSK
03: Star Destroyer Attack     ENGRET
04: Tatooine Attack           RALRRA
05: Asteroid Field Chase      FRIJA
06: Imperial Walkers          LAFRA
07: Stormtroopers             DERLIN
08: Protect Rebel Transport   MOTLOK
09: Yavin Training            MORAG
10: Tie Attack                TANTISS
11: Death Star Surface        OSWAFL
12: Surface Cannon            KLAATY
13: Power Relays              IRENEZ
14: Death Star Trench         LIANNA
15: Finale                    PAKKA
End                           NORVAL
Medium Level Codes
Level                         Password
01: Asteroid Field Training   (none)
02: Planet Kolaador           BOTHAN
03: Star Destroyer Attack     HERGLIC
04: Tatooine Attack           LEENI
05: Asteroid Field Chase      THRAWN
06: Imperial Walkers          LWYLL
07: Stormtroopers             MAZZIC
08: Protect Rebel Transport   JULPA
09: Yavin Training            MORRT
10: Tie Attack                MUFTAK
11: Death Star Surface        RASKAR
12: Surface Cannon            JHOFF
13: Power Relays              ITHOR
14: Death Star Trench         UMWAK
15: Finale                    ORLOK
End                           NKLLON
Hard Level Codes
Level                         Password
01: Asteroid Field Training   (none)
02: Planet Kolaador           BORDOK
03: Star Destroyer Attack     SKYNX
04: Tatooine Attack           DEFEL
05: Asteroid Field Chase      JEDGAR
06: Imperial Walkers          MADINE
07: Stormtroopers             TARKIN
08: Protect Rebel Transport   MOTHMA
09: Yavin Training            GLAYYD
10: Tie Attack                OTTEGA
11: Death Star Surface        RISHII
12: Surface Cannon            IRZINA
13: Power Relays              KARRDE
14: Death Star Trench         VONZEL
15: Finale                    OSSUS
End                           MALANI
Enhanced Powers
Yoda's Power mode:
Hold [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [Option] + [Command] at the "Game Options" window. Then click three times on the space between "Rapid Fire" and "Shut Down Other Applications" checkboxes. Put a checkmark in "Enable Yoda's Power Mode" checkbox that has appeared within the list. Press one of the following keys during game to activate its corresponding cheat.
Cheat             Code
Decrease damage   [+] *
Increase damage   [-] *
Select level      1-9 or A-F
Skip level        [Esc]

* Use numeric keypad. 
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