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Trials of Obi-Wan Screenshots

Trials of Obi-Wan, the third expansion to Star Wars Galaxies, opens-up great new adventures and quests via the addition of the planet Mustafar ? a dark and desolate planet of smoldering volcanoes, lava, and an extremely harsh landscape. For those of you who saw Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, you will recognize Mustafar as the location of the final battle between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. It is from the exact spot where Anakin was struck down that Obi-Wan guides you and provides your quests to fulfill your destiny. But, do not let Mustafar fool you ? hidden within the planet are many lost powers and relics of the Old Republic that are yours for the taking, but only after you have sought-out and uncovered them.

The creatures that inhabit Mustafar are just as fierce and cruel as the landscape. Battle the ferocious jandak, tulrus, and lava beetles ? but be weary as these creatures? existence have made them extremely tough and even more aggressive. Trials of Obi-Wan also features an exciting (and ruthless) new boss creature which will be showcased in an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Aside from the infamous final battle location, Mustafar also has numerous other points of interest including an elaborate mining facility, ancient Jedi ruins, a droid factory, and an abandoned Old Republic research facility. Your quests will take you to many of these, but you may also reach them by simply exploring.

Additionally, Trials of Obi-Wan includes hundreds of new loot items such as weapons, clothing, and resources ? many of which can be earned by completing some of the over 50 new quests and objectives.

Enjoy these screens and look for more focusing on the many creatures of Mustafar!

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