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Republic Commando

In this "preview" I'll be less previewing, and more organizing all the information I can find about this game. So lets start off with the basics:

The game will be released for the X-Box and the PC and is expected to be released in the Summer of 2004. It will be a First Person Shooter.

The game will use an "enhanced version of the ... Unreal engine". And according to the Official XBox Magazine, it will be XBox Live! compatible.

You will play as a member (or possibly leader) of a elite (Old) Republic Special Operations unit. "Players will step into the role of a Commando performing precision operations deep behind enemy lines in this brutally realistic Star Wars combat experience." The game is set between Episodes II and III and the only location currently confirmed is Genosis from Attack of the Clones.

Highlight below for More Game Info that includes Episode 3 Spoilers.

Players will step into the role of a Commando performing precision operations deep behind enemy lines in this brutally realistic Star Wars combat experience.Some teams of Republic Commandos fighting side by side with Wookiees on Kashyyyk before the major Separatist invasion of that planet in the film happens. -Source

From here on in, I'll be speculating. From the frst screenshot, we see something HALO-ish and what many have descried as Metroid Prime-ish. You will almost certainly be playing as a CloneTrooper varient. There will probably be a few types of missions, probaly some sneaking around, and some more straightforward assault. The question that's echoing around in my head is the question of support. Will it be like SOCOM: Navy SEALs where you have a team? Will it be like KOTOR where you can detact and go Solo? Will you be able to choose from a team of specialists?

As you can see, we don't actually have a lot on the game, so I'll leave you with the two tantalizing screenshots we have:

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