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X-wing Vs Tie Fighter DISCLAIMER

X-wing vs TIE Fighter and X-wing vs TIE Fighter II are owned and operated by Antilles58 and Kyle Stewart (buffreak13) with some assistance from theforce.net as a hosting partner. These games are in no way affiliated with Lucasarts or Lucasfilm, though the Star Wars material used within is 100% the property of those organizations.

The purpose of these games is to provide an entertaining diversion from every day life in the Star Wars world, and are in no way to be used for profit or any other nefarious means. They are not designed to take business away from Lucasarts, and in fact the creators whole-heartedly encourage you to go out and try the games created by this company, as they were the basis for these games. If you find our games fun, you will likely enjoy those as well.

To reiterate: the purpose of the X-Wing vs TIE Fighter games is to entertain and provide practice in programming, not to infringe on any copyrights. Star Wars and everything associated with it remain the exclusive property of Lucasfilm Ltd. Should anyone be upset over our use of this property, feel free to contact us as we would be happy to deal with any problems that may arise.

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