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TFNInteractive - Join

TFNi is looking for team members to help in the development of new mod projects based on Star Wars. Those who have an experience in mod development (whether it be with Jedi Outcast or any other approved games editing software) are just the people we need.

Positions are open to any level of mod development, whether you be skilled in map making, skins, visual effects, AI or sound programming.

We are currently looking at developing for Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. However we will also work closely with other games and editing software (including, as examples, Neverwinter Nights, Quake III, Unreal Tournament 2003/2004 and so forth) depending on both time and interest in the projects.

If you would like to be a part of the team, please send us your full name, contact details, a list of your experience in the field you are writing for (plus examples of your work) and a sentence or two on why you think you are the best man for the job.

All details should be sent to TFNInteractive as soon as possible.

Remember this job is volunteer only, and is not a payed position (TFNi is a non-profit group. We're in it for the fun of it).

You will be contacted by TFNInteractive if you are approved and We will post any future open positions here, so always be on the look out.
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