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It's alive....ALIIIIVE!!! HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA!!! Just in time for Christmas morning, Timetales has returned to life with the brand new 2005 Annual .doc file edition. Up to date, filled to the brim, ready to present the Star Wars universe to you in all its' glory. Happy New Year, and God bless us... everyone... -- December 25, 2005

Stand by, fans -- Timetales returns this Christmas... -- December 21, 2005

Section 1-2 of the online version has been reinstated. -- November 3, 2004

The .doc file has been updated for the fall, including revised versions of the Dune Sea Scrolls Classic Trilogy scripts. As far as online updates...I don't know anymore. I don't have a working computer and the one I can use is too slow and has no scanner connection...which leaves me up Poodoo Creek as far as this page is concerned. A LOT of awful personal stuff (that I don't want get into here) has transpired in the last couple of years, leaving me about as dirt poor as Watto. I would ask for donations, but I don't think the TFN staff would like that. ;)

I do intend to see this project through, at least through ROTS. What happens after that's gonna depend on the Force. -- October 1, 2004

At long last, the online version is beginning to be relaunched! Section 1-1 is now up. The .doc file has also been updated. -- May 23, 2004

Timetales is updated, for the first and only time this year (I'm just kidding...I hope). The new .doc file is uploaded. -- March 16, 2004

The July-August .doc file is updated. -- August 22, 2003

The May-June .doc file is uploaded. -- June 10, 2003

The March-April .doc file is uploaded. And I've closed Sections 2 to 5 for some long overdue rebuilding. (Hey, at least Section 1's still open!)-- April 10, 2003

Today, we unveil the "Arcana Historica" page, a home for the rare and the intriguing in Star Wars literature and memorabilia. -- March 10, 2003

I was gonna wait on uploading until I could get the "Remnant" summary in. Figured it was the least I could do, since Mike and my names were in it, right? But I simply didn't have the time (Real Life[tm]), and realized if I waited any longer I might as well make it a March release. So here's the WIP (aren't they all?) February .doc file! -- February 11, 2003

I just broke my own record. Three months and three days...whew! But you do get the 2002 Annual Edition of Timetales! -- January 14, 2003

This must be a new record for being late. And the online version STILL isn't updated. But the October .doc file is up now. Ah, if only there were two of me...-- October 11, 2002

The September .doc file is up! This week, I'll see about updating the online version some too. -- September 3, 2002

Well, whattya know? First of the month, and I actually have an update ready on schedule! Will wonders never cease? Anyway, the August .doc file's up. "Traitor" is summarized in there...-- August 1, 2002

The July .doc file us up. -- July 07, 2002

Finally -- Section 1 is fixed ("AND THE ROCK MEANS FIXED!!") and updated!! -- June 06, 2002

The June .doc file is up (including a revised version of the AOTC Expanded Screenplay), and a complete revision of Section 1 of the online version is imminent! -- June 4, 2002

The May .doc file is up, including a ton of updates and the additions of the screenplays for "The Last Command" and the new "Attack of the Clones"! -- May 6, 2002

The April .doc file is up! -- April 2, 2002

Section 4 is also fixed and updated! -- March 20, 2002





Section 5 of the online version of Timetales is fixed and updated, and Chapter 12 of the TPM Radio Drama (the final chapter, btw) is up! -- March 13, 2002

The March 2002 .doc file version of Timetales is up, as is Chapter 11 of TPM:RD. -- March 5, 2002

Chapter 10 of TPM:RD is up. Coming into the home stretch now... -- February 26, 2002

Chapter 9 of the TPM Radio Drama is up. -- February 20, 2002

We travel to Coruscant for Chapter 8 of the TPM Radio Drama. BTW, for those who haven't noticed, I have a feedback thread on this script going here:


Any compliments, insults, suggestions, death threats etc. can be posted there. -- February 11, 2002

Chapter 7 of the TPM Radio Drama is up! -- February 05, 2002

The February .doc file is up! -- February 04, 2002

The TPM Radio Drama reaches its' halfway mark as Chapter 6 is now up! -- January 29, 2002

Chapter 5 of the TPM Radio Drama is up. -- January 22, 2002

Chapter 4 of the TPM Radio Drama is up. -- January 15, 2002

Chapter 3 of the TPM Radio Drama is now up. Be sure and stop by the Feedback thread on the Jedi Council forums (TPM section) and let me know how I'm doing so far, okay? -- January 8, 2002

Well, the holidays are over, and we're off to a new year -- the Year of the Clone. (grin) As promised, Chapter 2 of the TPM Radio Drama is now available on the side menu. -- January 1, 2002

As we all celebrate, I've decided to present a few holiday surprises for all the fans out there who have stuck by Timetales for nearly five years now.

This first present isn't really all that new. In fact, it's the first online thing I did when I first went online in early 1998. You've probably seen copies of them at both TFN and Jedinet's multimedia pages. For this holiday season, I went back and dusted them off with a little reformatting -- and finally completed the set with a transcript lended to me long ago by a guy named Brandon Frost. (Hey Brandon, if you're out there -- thank you and email me soon!)

So, for all you people who email in to TFN asking "Where's the novel about the reborn Emperor and Luke falling to the Dark Side?" THIS is where you come for your answers! :D

I'll have this moved to a side page around the start of the year. But here's the direct links for your perusal:

Star Wars: Dark Empire Audio Drama transcript

Star Wars: Dark Empire II Audio Drama transcript

Star Wars: Empire's End Audio Drama transcript by Brandon Frost

The next Xmas surprise is for you music-lovers. As many of you know, George Lucas severely re-edited the Battle of Naboo sequence in The Phantom Menace at the last minute -- and thus most of John Williams' score for those scenes ended up on the cutting room floor. Presented here is my own attempt, via the soundtrack CDs and the Lucasarts video games, to reconstruct the score the way Williams originally intended it to be heard. I thank Ricard Befan, Elvis Jones, Indysolo, Hiphats, and other fans of John Williams who have attempted similar reconstructions in the past, which have both informed and inspired mine.

The Battle of Naboo I.mp3

(Wipe Them Out...All of Them / The Gungan March / Activate the Droids / Naboo Courtyard / The Battle Begins / "This is Too Close" / **Jar-Jar's Antics I: Step and Shoot / The Hangar Battle / **The Space Battle Begins / The Duel Begins / Anakin Takes Off)

The Battle of Naboo II.mp3

(Duel of the Fates I: From the Hangar to the Generator Complex / The Space Battle / Ascension Guns / The Queen is Captured / Duel of the Fates II: The Great Duel / The Invisible Wall)

The Battle of Naboo III.mp3

(Jar-Jar's Antics II: Big Boomas / *Jar-Jar's Antics III: Jar-Jar and the Tank / Anakin Enters the Battleship / Duel of the Fates III: A Hero Falls / Queen Amidala Turns the Tables)

The Battle of Naboo IV.mp3

(Duel of the Fates IV: The Final Duel / Anakin Destroys the Battleship / ***Gungans' Victory / ***"I'm Not in Trouble...Am I?" / Obi-Wan Comes of Age)

* -- Track is still missing

** -- Only part of the track is available

*** -- Temp track because I had nothing better to replace it with

Present #3 is a real blast from the past -- the earliest surviving copy of the Timetales .doc file from allll the way back in November 1998! (Wow, it's been that long already!)

Timetales '98 doc file (rtf format)

Present #4 is a rather personal one for me -- my first foray into fanfic (of a sort). I've been working on this for nearly a year now, and I hope you'll like it as well. This will be released one episode a week over the next twelve weeks.

"Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" Radio Drama Chapter 1

And last but certainly not least, the release of the 2001 Annual version of the Timetales .doc file, including (among all the usual updates) the new "Infinitales" appendix and the release of the Episode VII Dune Sea Scroll! (I'll let you find out what it is.) ;)

Timetales Annual 2001 doc file

God bless you all and have a Happy New Year!

-- December 25, 2001

Boy, is my face red! There was a mixup on the files, and what actually got uploaded was an "in progress" version of the November .doc file! :( The REAL November .doc file is now uploaded and available. Sorry, everybody -- my bad. -- November 4, 2001

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