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S E C T I O N   1.1 (part a)

13,500,000,000 - 24,000 BSW4
The story begins, as we travel from the Big Bang to the Great Hyperspace War...

"The Old Republic was the Republic of legend, greater than distance or time. No need to note where it was or whence it came; only to know that . . . it was the Republic....

Star Wars (novelization)" (1976)


c. 13,500,000,000 BSW4

The Big Bang. Out of the Great Void came the universe, its galaxies, star systems and suns. Everything that exists, and will ever exist, was spawned from the primordial plasma of time's beginning. Over billions of years, planets formed, and life arose through a steady progression of increasingly complex organisms. Woven into and intertwined with all of this - from the smallest molecule to the largest star - was the Force. Symbiont and residing within cells in all life forms are the Midichlorians, a microscopic life form that is intertwined with the Force. These tiny life forms communicate with the Force and reveal its will. The Force is an essential part of nature - like energy or matter - but it has yet to be quantified and analyzed. The Force is not to be understood in the same manner as physical qualities of the universe. The laws of physics are observable; technology is predictable and readily - controlled. The Force is neither controlled nor controlling - it is part of life itself; asking if it controls or can be controlled is like asking if a person controls his component cells, or the cells control him. It is not known whether the Force has always been, came about as life evolved into intelligence, or if it coerced the evolution of intelligence. To the Jedi, it does not matter. It is enough to know that the Force is.
Thanks to Matthew Holm and Jeffrey Winkler for a correction: NASA has changed this date from 15 billion years ago to 13.5 billion years ago due to recent updated estimates of the age of the universe. Description also from "SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Sourcebook." [Page 8] Also from "Star Wars Roleplaying Game - 2nd Edition." [Page 136 - 137]


c. 5,000,000,000 BSW4


The Star Wars Galaxy is formed by the gravitational collapse of a large cloud of dust and gas. There are approximately 400,000,000,000 stars in the galaxy. Around half of these have planets that support some form of life. 10% of those developed life on their own, and one in a thousand of these worlds developed sentient life (about 20 million forms of sentient life). The length of the galaxy is 120,000 light years across.
"Star Wars Episode I: Incredible Locations", "Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina" and "SW: Shield of Lies."


The first star in the Cularin system, named Morasil, forms. The ancient yellow sun is perhaps as old as the galaxy itself, and it will shrink in its long lifetime. Alone, it produces a cold, dim light that cannot reach the asteroid belt. Its partner, Termadus, is a white dwarf star. Much younger than Morasil, it has nonetheless sped through its solar lifetime. Now it draws gases from the corona of Morasil, creating a gaseous haze between the two stars. Together, they give the luminous equivalent of a single bright star, creating a gravitational hyperspace shadow much larger than the realspace area taken by their orbits.
"Wizards of the Coast Website."


c. 3,000,000,000 BSW4

The Sharu, an ancient race that inhabits the Rafa System, begin to evolve. They are a technologically - advanced race, as evidenced by the wonderful buildings and monuments they build throughout the system. Scholars would describe the Sharu as "superhumanoids." Their descendants are the Toka.
"Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu."


c. 2,000,000,000 BSW4

One theory of the creation of the Oseon System is during this period of time, a rogue star passes too close to the system, and its gravity well disrupts the planet-forming process which causes the Oseon asteroid belt.
"Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon."


c. 10,000,000 BSW4


In this era, Tatooine is a lush and water-covered world. The distant ancestors of the Sandpeople walked the land without covering themselves totally, and they built an advanced technological civilization that included rudimentary spaceflight. But these people would find themselves invaded and enslaved by a monstrous species called the "Builders." The people's cities are razed to the ground, and many are taken offworld as slave labor. Over generations, the Builders strip Tatooine of all useable resources.

After an unknown amount of time, the Builders are stricken by a great plague, and the Tatooinians took advantage of their weakness by attacking and sabotaging their larger ships. The vengeful Builders responded with a prolonged bombardment that completes what the Tatooinians themselves started with their unrestrained development -- destroying all plant life, vaporizing all water and rendering the entire world a desert wasteland. The Tatooinians take shelter in vast underground caverns carved into canyon walls - of these, only a small fraction survive. By the time they finally emerge, the Builders are long gone. These survivors vow they will forever honor and protect the land, and (over millennia) split apart into the tribes of the Sandpeople they will become.
"Star Wars Episode I: Incredible Locations" and "Knights of the Old Republic."

Volcanic activity on the planet Esseles finally begins to end.
Conjecture based on 'Into the Core Worlds.' Borrowed from Nathan Butler's Timeline Gold.


c. 7,500,000 BSW4


The Yavin system is formed.
"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 347]


c. 4,000,000 BSW4

The Valley of the Giant Oysters, home to the planet Mon Calamari's huge oysters, begins to form. It is rumored that this is the basis of the Calamarian Knowledge Banks.
"SW: The Glove of Darth Vader."


c. 3,000,000 BSW4

An asteroid collision with the planet Vinsoth wipes out the largest mammals of the planet. Smaller species survive, and eventually evolve into the Chevin species.
"SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies." [Page 25]


c. 2,006,200 BSW4

Like most other animals on the planet Columus, the Columi evolve to make use of this muddy world. Their ancestors were herbivorous lizards that, with the aid of a rather buoyant belly, crawled through the marsh on four webbed feet. Soon, the lizards developed the ability to stand on their hind legs in order to pull fruit and leaves out of the trees.
Conjecture from "SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races." [Page 31]


c. 2,004,200 BSW4

The Columi learn to lay their eggs in the trees to better protect them from predators. Following that development, the Columi begin living almost entirely in the trees, developing hands in place of claws and evolving a prehensile tail in place of the heavy caudal appendage that they had dragged around as quadrupeds.
Conjecture from "SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races." [Page 31]


c. 2,002,200 BSW4

The Columi learn to use tools, and begin a rapid series of evolutionary developments - losing their tails and gaining a bipedal stance - that leads towards true sentience.
Conjecture from "SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races." [Page 31]


c. 2,002,000 BSW4

The Columi learn to mine metals and other raw materials from the bedrock, and they start to build cities that rise high above the tree and mud, supported on great pylons. Over the next few thousand years, Columi technology advances as rapidly as had their evolution.
Conjecture from "SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races." [Page 31]


c. 2,000,000 BSW4

Beggar's Canyon is formed on Tatooine, a result of three rivers joining in a valley. (This is before the planet becomes a desert.)
"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 24]


The Columi are among the first star-faring races in the galaxy. Disappointed to find barbarian races on other worlds (if even that), the Columi soon give up space travel and returns to Columus to develop their own race. They spend the next millennium devoting themselves to meditation, science, and the improvement of their minds.
Conjecture from "SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races." [Page 31 - 32]


The cutthroat struggle for survival begins on the planet of Kashyyyk; species that could climb higher, such as the ancestors of the Wookiees, did so. The creatures that remained either evolved deadly defenses or became extinct. The survivors now thrive in the towering wroshyr forests, and peculiar plants and animals fill every possible niche in the vertical environment. The millions of years of competitive evolution created what many have called a "layered death trap" amid Kashyyyk's wroshyrs.
"The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." [Page 77]


Sullustans begin to evolve on the planet Sullust in a network of dark, mazelike warrens that imbued the species with an unfailing sense of direction. Once a Sullustan has traveled a path, the way is never forgotten. This innate skill would even extend into hyperspace, making Sullustans prized as star navigators and explorers in future generations.
"The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." [Page 169]


The duck begins to evolve on countless worlds across the galaxy.
Conjecture. Andrew Gordon: This of course, being homage to the Official Site's easter egg celebrating the anniversary of George Lucas's film, Howard the Duck. After looking through biology books, the date they gave for the beginning of the evolution of the duck was "millions of years ago," so I chose a number out of a hat.

The underground river of Zonama Sekot begins to carry seeds into the factory valley.
Conjecture based on "SW: Rogue Planet" [Page 198].


c. 1,500,000 BSW4

The oopik (or great oopik, as it is also known), a flightless bird that is a cross between an avian and reptilian creative native to the planet Paramatan, thrives during this era of galactic history. During modern times, the oopik is thought to be extinct, however, small clutches of the birds were discovered in the forests of the southern continent of Grxy.
Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Creatures of the Galaxy." Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo's Star Wars Index.


c. 1,000,000 BSW4

The Hutts evolve on Varl, a barren, pock - marked planet circling the white dwarf Ardos. According to Hutt legend, both they and the planet Varl are the only surviving witnesses to a great celestial tragedy. Varl was once a lush, forested world whose azure skies were crossed by two suns, Ardos and Evona, who were lovers and gods in the Hutt mythology. These gods ruled the system in peace until Evona was lured into collision with a tiny black hole and perished. The other planets mourned her death, colliding violently and crushing each other into asteroids, many of which then crashed into Varl's surface. Ardos, in agony over the loss of his mate and the destruction of his children, began to self - destruct, and he ejected his gaseous shell, searing Varl in the process, eventually condensing into the white dwarf he is today, a god no longer worthy of the Hutts' respect. That story offers important insight into the Hutt's exalted view of their own species. Evona died; the Hutts survived. Ardos withered; the Hutts survived. Fire, heat, and meteoric rain nearly destroyed their own planet; still the Hutts survived. Surely this proves their greatness, say the Hutts. Surely this means that they are destined to be gods, more powerful than the gods before them. Future Imperial astronomers easily point to the impossibilities inherent in the Hutts' legend, but this much is true: Varl, and only Varl, orbits the dwarf star Ardos. Moreover, there are many asteroids in the system. A more likely explanation, handed down through the years by starship pilots and galactic explorers, is that the Hutts destroyed the planet themselves; embroiling it in a civil war of such vicious ferocity that only a Hutt could comprehend it. Whatever the nature of the catastrophe, the Hutts survived, and managed to regain sufficient power and technology to relocate from the barren wastes of Varl to the paradise of Nal Hutta, a large, terrestrial planet in the Y'Toub system, in the center of an area of the galaxy now known as "Hutt Space."
Conjecture from "SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races." [Page 51 - 52]

An insectoid race called Killiks evolves on the planet Alderaan. The Killiks have four arms, each terminating in a powerful three - fingered claw, and two stout legs that appeared capable of leaping large distances. The Killiks construct monolithic hive castles that would last for millennia.
"The Illustrated Star Wars Universe."


A Bith civil - war occurs on their homeworld, Clak'Dor VII. The war is sparked between two cities, Nozho and Weogar, over patent rights to a new (sublight) star drive. The arbitrator in this dispute was blackmailed by an agent from Nozho, and Weogar's mayor (upon hearing of this) refused to honor the arbitrator's decision. The situation escalated until Nozho unleashed chemical warfare -- and Weogar biological warfare. By the time the war was over, Clak'Dor VII had transformed from a lush garden world into a monster-infested wasteland. The few surviving Bith retreat into sealed domes, afraid to ever walk the surface of their world again.
Conjecture from "SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races." [Page 23]


The Corellian system is artificially created by an unknown race using planetary repulsors. A humanoid race slowly evolves there over the next million years. The repulsors are buried underground on each of the Corellian worlds, with the only external relic being the floating space station the Corellians later dub "Centerpoint." One prominent theory is that the original creators of Centerpoint Station constructed it when their own star had begun to go supernova. Once they arrived at the star Corell, they moved planets into orbit to give themselves a new place to live. Each planet's repulsor would have helped the tractor - repulsor to organize the planets into orbits. The unknown race that creates the Corellian star system, may have also been responsible for the unlikely cluster of black holes near Kessel known as the Maw.
Conjecture from "SW RPG: Cracken's Threat Dossier" [Page 124] and "SW: The Essential Chronology."

Though the planet Jerrilek would in the future have no native intelligent life, an aquatic species existed on the planet during this time; several of their ancient ruins would still be seen beneath the water's surface a million years later.
"SW RPG Adventure Journal #4."


c. 999,989 BSW4

According to Dr. Corellia Antilles, this is the approximate point at which xenoarchaeologists and xenoanthropologists estimate the majority of the known galaxy begins keeping detailed historical records, though items from this time period tend to prove indecipherable to New Republic era historians.
Conjecture based on From the Files of Corellia Antilles. Borrowed from Nathan Butler's Timeline Gold.


c. 999,975 BSW4

The planet Sernpidal, on the farthest edge of the galaxy, takes Dobido as its moon.
"SW: Vector Prime." Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler's Timeline Gold.


c. 750,000 BSW4


A sentient species begins to evolve on the planet Goroth, in the Mid-Rim. Surprisingly, this race develops a natural immunity to the hazardous hyperbarides around them.
"SW RPG: Goroth - Slave of the Empire." [Page 5]


c. 500,000 BSW4


The Devaron race develops star-traveling capability.
Conjecture from "SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races." [Page 35]


c. 499,989 BSW4

According to Dr. Corellia Antilles, this is the approximate point at which xenoarchaeologists and xenoanthropologists estimate the majority of historical records for the galaxy begin being written in forms that will be decipherable in the era of the New Republic.
Conjecture based on From the Files of Corellia Antilles. Borrowed from Nathan Butler's Timeline Gold.


c. 300,000 BSW4


The height of the Gree civilization. An alien race, the Gree resemble large, six-tentacled cephalopods. They are covered with gray skin that is often tattooed, especially around their large, bulbous heads. The brain case of the Gree hangs in a sac-like appendage from the back of their head, and seems to draw their huge foreheads even longer. They have no mouth, per se, but instead there is a series of fleshy folds beneath their eyes that serves as a vocal communication method. The foremost pair of tentacles is used for manipulation of objects, while the middle pair is used for heavy work. The rear pair is used for locomotion, and they appear to be shambling mounds of flesh when they move. The Gree civilization is immensely old (it is rumored to be hundreds of thousands of years old and was well past its prime when the worlds were discovered by the Old Republic). They have a technology that is vastly alien to that of the rest of the galaxy, and has its roots in music and the Gree physiology. They developed the knowledge of quanta-technology and dimensional engineering (which defied future Imperial scientists). Their views of technology are biased, and the Gree find little use for droids and computers, which they consider unimportant. The Gree however, were undone by their technology, falling victim to the ability to use it rather than improve on it. The discovery of life-extending technology further accelerated their decline, until they no longer knew or cared about their own devices. The technology collapsed when none of the Gree could maintain it, and the Gree isolated themselves from the galaxy. Little is known about their life cycle and customs, although it was discovered that their number system is based on the number 14-the number of suction cups on each tentacle. They guard the Gree Enclave jealously, and any ship passing through it often disappears.
"SW RPG Adventure Journal #8."


c. 200,000 BSW4

The Taungs, an ancient race, begin to control the planet Coruscant for many millennia prior to the dawn of modern humans. They conquered the other peoples of the planet, including the Zhell, in a series of bloody conquests. They were known throughout history as the "Dark Warriors" after a volcano erupted during their final battle with the Zhell. The ash from the explosion wiped out the Zhell city, and the Taung adopted the name Dha Werda Verda, or "The Warriors of the Shadow," when the ash cloud filled the skies for two years, casting a shadow over their lives.
Conjecture based upon "Shadows of the Empire Soundtrack."


c. 199,998 BSW4

The sky over Coruscant is finally free of ash.
Conjecture based on "Shadows of the Empire Soundtrack."

c. 100,000 BSW4

The ancient Sith race begins to develop their distinct culture and civilization. Only later, as these people spread across the galaxy did the term Sith become associated more with their teachings and philosophies than with the species itself. Though the Sith held great power, they were not united, preferring to remain in tribal "circles", bands of Sith led by one or more sorcerers who were responsible for the safety and protection of their charges.
"The SW Encyclopedia" [Page 268] and "SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion" [Page 78 - 79] Note: This is not the same Sith as the later Dark Jedi to take the name "Sith," lest anyone think they predated even the Jedi themselves.

Galactic City, later known as Republic City and/or Imperial City, covers all of the natural land on Coruscant. One remaining piece of land, Coruscant's tallest mountain, remains and is enshrined in what will be known as Monument Plaza. The city is built on an old battlefield between the ancient Taungs and the Battalions of Zhell.
"The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons."

Civilization develops on the planet Goroth, but only to the feudal level. A primarily agricultural society, the Gorothites live in relative paradise.
"SW RPG: Goroth - Slave of the Empire." [Page 5]


c. 95,000 BSW4

Most seedy taverns on the lower forty to fifty levels of (present day) Coruscant's underground see the sun for the last time this year.
"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 58]


50,000 BSW4

The Yevethan species, young compared to others in the galaxy, gain sentience. Their world of N'Zoth is flooded with the light of its' sun (and the other suns of the Koornacht Cluster) to the extent that few other stars can be seen in the sky. As a result, the Yevethans decide they are the sole intelligent lifeforms in the galaxy.
"SW RPG: Cracken's Threat Dossier" [Page 65] and "SW RPG II: Coruscant and the Core Worlds Sourcebook." [Page 123]


c. 30,000 BSW4

A large lake is formed by the impact of a huge meteor on the planet Alderaan. The capital of Alderaan, Aldera, would be built on an island in the middle of the lake. The impact of the meteor wipes out the Killik race. Many of the planet's dignitaries would be housed in Aldera, and the famous Alderaan University would also be situated there. Bail Organa would once maintain a palace in the city, where his study overlooked the lake and was surrounded by gardens.
"The Illustrated Star Wars Universe."

During this time, the planet Alpheridies bears no sentient species upon its surface. The world's flora and fauna exist in the normal state of slowly changing equilibrium. The system's red dwarf star, Aber, casts little in the way of visible light upon the planet, instead emitting infrared radiation that keeps the atmosphere within a habitable range.
"SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion." [Page 129]


c. 29,000 BSW4

The Kashi Mer Dynasty, a civilization located in the Phellem Sector, reaches its height. The culture discovered ways in which to control and manipulate the Breath, or the Force. The culture was wiped out when the primary star supporting the planet Kashi went supernova, and the entire system was destroyed.
"SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion" and "SW Adventure Journal."


c. 28,000 BSW4

An isolated planet within what would be later known as the Pentastar Alignment, Criton's Point is located far from any major hyperlanes. Its arid, desolate surface is covered with ruins that date from before the foundation of the Republic. 
"SW RPG Adventure Journal #3."


c. 27,500 BSW4


The first human colonists arrive at Alderaan after many centuries of travel, and discover the remnants of the lost Killik civilization. The early colonists included miners, but most were retired businessmen or wealthy dignitaries searching for a beautiful world on which to spend their lives. The earliest colonists refused to pave their new home with ferrocrete - one Coruscant was enough for them. Instead, cities were built into canyon crevasses, beneath the polar ice, and on stilts in the shallow saline seas.
"The Illustrated Star Wars Universe" and "The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." MP: Originally, I had the Alderaan humans evolving on Alderaan after an asteroid wiped out the Killiks, but I was corrected by Dan Wallace who informed me that the humans colonized Alderaan. I conjecture the date of -27,500 BSW4, because by the time of the formation of the Republic during -25,000 BSW4, Alderaan is a booming civilization and a founding member. To accommodate this, with the hyperdrive coming into mainstream galactic use circa -25,000 BSW4, I have stated that it took centuries for the colonists to arrive at Alderaan. It is known that other species had use of sub - light space travel (Hutts, Xim the Despot), so it is plausible the colonists set forth from Coruscant and it took them many years to reach their goal. My previous note, about the evolution of humans, still can apply I believe, except for the case of Alderaan. It is plausible that in the Star Wars universe, humans evolve separately on different worlds such as Coruscant, Chandrila, and Corellia. I assume that the Coruscant humans would be the most advanced civilization out of the group. In addition, I assume that the Corellians evolved after the unknown aliens created the Corellian system. This entire scenario is plausible, as on Earth, human kind has evolved into different races on one planet. I assume that this could occur on a galaxy wide situation, and remember, that this IS fantasy / myth!


c. 27,000 BSW4

The invention of the portable power cell and the discovery of high - energy gasses leads to the development of the first energy weapons, known as beam tubes.
Conjecture based upon "The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology." [Page 2]


c. 26,000 BSW4

The ancient Nikto brotherhood called the Cult of M'dweshuu is formed shortly after the Nikto race discovered the existence of the M'dweshuu (meaning "untrustworthy stepbrother") Nova. Many Nikto believe that the powerful ability of the Nova to affect life on Kintan is worthy of admiration, and develop a cult formed on the basis that they were as powerful as the Nova. The Cult, which worships M'dweshuu as a death god, rises quickly to power in a blood-soaked inquisition, and controls much of the planet in the years leading up to the arrival of the Hutts in the Si'Klaata Cluster. With the arrival of the Hutts and their conquest of the planet Kintan, the Cult lost much of its control, and was thought to have been disbanded.
"The SW Encyclopedia," [Page 164] "SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies," and "SW Gamer: The Nikto - Slaves to the Hutts."

The Verpine colonize the Roche asteroid field.
"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 327]

The Vontor Treaty is signed, binding the Klatoonian, Vodran, and Nikto races to the Hutts as permanent slaves. A Barada M'Beg represents the Klatoonians in the negotiations, and becomes so revered by future generations that they name their sons after him. The Hutts use an ancient device called the Lexicon Converter in the negotiations, which is used to translate languages electronically, in real - time.
"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies." [Page 50 - 51]

Settlers arrive on the planet Alsakan from the starship Kuat Explorer.
Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 61]


A group of Morodins (intelligent, fifteen meter - long, lizard - slugs) arrive on the planet Varonat to start an agricultural colony. They transform a vast section of plains into the Great Jungle, and use immense organic starships to transport food back to their home planet. When an ecological disaster befell their homeworld, the Morodins on Varonat were stranded and forgotten.
"SW RPG Adventure Journal #1."

The Library of Xer is built on Criton's Point -- an ancient storehouse of information that has thus far resisted all attempts at translation.
Conjecture based on "SW RPG Adventure Journal #5." Borrowed from Nathan Butler's Timeline Gold. NB: The entry says it is rumored to have been constructed in pre-Republic times. I chose 1,000 years before the general time the Old Republic was founded, but it could be anywhere before the Republic's founding . . . or the rumor could be wrong and it could be any time after the founding, but before "contemporary" times. Take this location with a grain of salt.


c. 25,200 BSW4

The Kitel Phard Dynasty arises on the primary planet of the Atrisi System, unifying the entire planet, eliminating opposition, and bringing a period of peace and prosperity.
Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Imperial Sourcebook." [Page 7]

Several groups throughout the galaxy are gradually becoming aware of some energy existing beyond the senses of most sentient beings. Those groups begin to dedicate themselves to studying this phenomenon and learning how to master it. Those who do are dismissed as "wizards and mystics." Among the groups investigating are the Order of Dai Bendu, as well as the Chatos Academy and a group on Tython who worship this power as the Ashla, the positive energy of the universe.
"SW RPG II: Power of the Jedi Sourcebook." [Page 6]

The planet Metellos is settled by a sublight colonization vessel, probably from Coruscant. The fourth planet in its' system, the new world's development is parallel with early Coruscant.
"SW RPG II: Coruscant and the Core Worlds Sourcebook." [Page 110]


c. 25,180 BSW4

Queen Rana Mas Trehalt is born on the planet Duro.
"The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." [Page 77]


c. 25,130 BSW4

The tyrant Xim the Despot begins his reign as leader of his personal empire. The planet Dellalt is a shining Jewel in his mighty empire. Xim's defeated subjects, cowed by his military might, offer extravagant gifts and tributes from their worlds. To house his plunder, Xim commissions a vast network of vaults and chambers to be built on Dellalt. Xim's treasure arrives aboard the Queen of Ranroon, guarded by his war droids and a brotherhood called "the survivors."
"The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons."

The Nikto experience four intense civil wars, which nearly destroy the planet Kintan.
"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies" and "SW RPG Adventure Journal #6."

Dueling academies are founded throughout different parts of the Core Worlds. The Academies are established to teach the art of self-defense with weaponry.
Conjecture based upon "SW RPG II: Power of the Jedi Sourcebook."


c. 25,100 BSW4

The 30 standard timepart reign of Xim the Despot ends in the Third Battle of Vontor, where the Hutts (led by Kossak) kill him and take over his criminal empire. Xim's glorious empire spread to encompass hundreds of thousands of worlds in the vicinity of the Tion. The warlord miscalculated however, when he tried to expand into Hutt Space. The Hutts had built up their own formidable star empire, and they fiercely opposed Xim for possession of the Si'Klaata Cluster. After the defeat of Xim, the planet Dellalt drifts into obscurity as the nascent Old Republic shifts the geographic centers of power. Xim the Despot leaves behind legends of whole planets despoiled, of mass spacings of prisoners and other atrocities.
"SW: Han Solo and the Lost Legacy" and "SW: The Essential Chronology" [page 1]. This has been moved from the original setting of 25,000 thanks to a top-secret source.


c. 25,032 BSW4

A cannibalistic sub-humanoid species called the Cthons begin to devolve in the bowels of Coruscant's undercity.
"Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter." [Page 172]


c. 25,020 BSW4

It is rumored that the hyperdrive was invented eons ago by a space-faring race from outside the known galaxy. When this race encountered the known galaxy, it first came upon the Corellian System. There, the aliens sold the secrets of the hyperdrive to the Corellians, who studied it for decades before producing their first, working hyperdrive.
"SW: Tyrant's Test."


c. 25,000 BSW4

After two decades of research, the Corellians produce their first working Hyperdrive and sell their ideas to other star systems, notably Coruscant and Alderaan, and the first rumblings of a galactic community begin. Corellian Engineering Corporation is founded.
"SW: Tyrant's Test." Also conjecture based upon "SW Gamer #2."

Exploration of the galaxy begins. Previously, the earliest spaceships could hardly escape their own star systems, but the miraculous discovery of the faster-than-light dimension known as Hyperspace ushers in a new age of discovery and exploration. The first galactic scouts strike out from the Core Worlds along two stable hyperspace paths; the Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run. These twin hyperlanes outline a vast wedge-shaped region of space that is soon dubbed "the slice." Though it contains many of the oldest and best-known planets, "the slice" encompasses only a fraction of the known galaxy. The Perlemian Trade Route runs through the Darpa and Bormea sectors of the Ringali Shell and connects, in order, the planets Corulag, Chandrila, Brentaal, Esseles, Rhinnal, and Ralltiir. The Arkanis sector and its Pii system are a seven-day journey from the trade route. Hyperspace travel is relatively new and is a bold and risky way to link the galaxy, so navigational beacons helped spacers travel between stars. These beacons marked reliable jump coordinates among frequent hyperspace routes, allowing safe hyperspace travel. Space stations quickly grew around these nav beacons to accommodate the constant flow of spaceships and passengers on their way to more important parts of the galaxy.
Date given in Issue #3, "Tales of the Jedi." Information also provided from "The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons" and "SW RPG: Platt's Starport Guide." [Page 118]

Already Coruscant is almost entirely paved over and covered in buildings at the time of hyperdrive's invention. Overpopulation and pollution forces the development of atmospheric scrubbers, hydroponic farms, delivery pipelines, recycling plants, and giant cannons that shoot garbage out into space.
"SW RPG II: Coruscant and the Core Worlds Sourcebook." [Page 8]


The planet Kuat is discovered and settled by human aristocrats from ten wealthy shipmaking families. The settlers are determined to make Kuat the biggest, most influential shipbuilding world in the galaxy - and over the millennia to come, they do exactly that. Even the industrial espionage of several trade consortiums fail to prevent the terraforming of the planet into a lush paradise, or the building of the orbital shipyards that come to be known as Kuat Drive Yards.
"SW RPG II: Coruscant and the Core Worlds Sourcebook." [Page 104-105]

The Mining Guild, a quasi - political body is formed in the early days of space exploration, and may even pre - date the formation of the Old Republic. Most historians agreed that the Guild originated in the Core, but were unsure of its exact origin.
Conjecture based upon "The Empire Strikes Back," "Crimson Empire II" and "SW RPG: Lords of the Expanse."

Duros culture enters a golden age. Under the wise rule of the benevolent Queen Rana Mas Trehalt, scientists make profound breakthroughs in the science of interstellar flight.
"The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." Moved here via a top-secret source.

The Galactic Republic, a galaxy-wide government of planetary systems, is formed in the Core Worlds after the tumultuous Unification Wars. It will spread out from there to settle other distant star systems. Coruscant, Alderaan, Corellia, and Chandrila are among the founding members of the Republic. Capital of the Republic, Coruscant is the most important planet in the galaxy. One of the original Core Worlds that grouped together at the birth of the Republic, Coruscant distinguished itself with the development and production of hyperdrive mechanics. This is the single most important invention in the galaxy's history because it allowed ships to travel from one end of space to the other in a matter of days rather than years. As galactic scouts explored increasingly far - flung planets, large numbers of alien species made the return trip to Coruscant, swelling its population and causing the most rapid expansion a planet had ever seen. Coruscant reaped the glory and was awarded the coordinates zero-zero-zero on standard navigation charts, making it the effective center of the Republic: whoever rules Coruscant is truly master of the galaxy.
"Star Wars Episode I: Incredible Locations." The Unification Wars reference is taken from '"Star Wars Episode II: Incredible Cross-Sections."

The Galactic Constitution, the foundation document of the democratic Republic, is written. The Galactic Senate is formed to preside over the Republic. Lavender is chosen for the color of the Senate interior because it is the only hue that had never been associated with war, anger, or mourning in any culture of the Republic. The Galactic Senate was entrusted with the incredible task of governing the galaxy. One of its main tasks was to establish universal law while maintaining the peace among it's many alien and human cultures. The Republic standardized trade and legal codes, while allowing each planet and people to maintain their original cultures, customs, and laws, languages, and governments.
"Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary" and other sources. Note that there were at least several previous Senate Chambers in different colors. See the various "Tales of the Jedi" comics for example. The Senate Chamber in the "Tales of the Jedi" comics seems to have been for system - based representation, since it had millions of seats rather than just the thousand or so seats of the sectorial senators in "The Phantom Menace." Thanks to Curtis Saxton for pointing that out.

The discovery of hyperspace and the founding of the Republic allows scientific, religious and philosophical groups to congregate for the first time and compare notes on what they've learned. Many are excited to discover common findings about a strange energy that comes to be called "The Force." The groups decide to found a new society dedicated to studying the Force. The society comes to be called the Jedi. The identity of the world where this happened has been lost to the mists of time; candidates include Coruscant, Corellia, Ossus, Utapau, and even lost worlds such as Had Abbadon and Ondos.
"SW RPG II: Power of the Jedi Sourcebook." [Page 6]

The Founder's Day Allegiance is written, which becomes the pledge of allegiance to commemorate the founding of the Republic, and is recited throughout the galaxy as a being's affirmation of the Republic's strength and righteousness.
Conjecture based upon "Holonet News."

The Senate Library, one of the largest libraries in the galaxy is built. Based on Coruscant, it is a complete record of minutes, policy decisions, agendas, and related material of Senate rule over the Republic. The Galactic Registry, the document that describes all the peoples and races that has joined the galactic government begins cataloguing.
"SW: Dark Force Rising" and "SW: Children of the Jedi."

"Galactic standard" timekeeping measurements are derived from those which originated on Coruscant. While many planets maintain there own timekeeping methods based on their local planetary cycles, all official communications and records use galactic standard measures. There are 60 standard minutes in a standard hour, 24 standard hours in a standard day, five standard days in a standard week and seven standard weeks in a standard month. A standard year is 368 standard days; ten standard months plus three fete weeks and three more holidays, all devoted to traditional celebrations, festivals, and observances.
SW RPG material.

Shortly after the Republic is founded, young Force student Reda Jalooz steals an heirloom of the Kashi monarchy. Several months later, she returns claiming she has discovered a dark secret about the relic and asks for forgiveness. Very soon thereafter, the Kashi system suddenly supernovas. The cause of the supernova is lost to history.
"SW Adventure Journal: Relic."

A war on the planet Ando between the two races of Aqualish (Aquala and Quara) is rudely interrupted by the arrival of an exploratory vessel, possibly Corellian or Duros. The two races unite to kill the visitors, while taking their ship intact.
"SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races." [Page 13]


A Duro colony is established on the planet of Neimoidia. Over the millennia to follow, the "Neimoidians" (as they come to be known) put evolutionary distance between themselves and their parent race, developing gray/greenish skin (to the Duros' blue) and dark red eyes (to the Duros' bright red). They also grow to be cowardly and greedy by nature.
"The Essential Guide to Alien Species." [Page 86]


c. 25,000 to 15,000 BSW4

The Expansionist period, as all cultures gain interstellar travel. Basic, verbal language based on the tongue of the Human inhabitants of the Core World peoples, quickly becomes a universal language after its rise in use in diplomacy and trade. At the same time, Aurebesh becomes the second most widely used as a technical language. Aurebesh eventually evolves into the written form of Basic. Intelligent species have developed a bewildering array of communication forms. Fortunately, Basic (aka Old Galactic Standard), the standard language of the Old Republic, enables almost everyone to understand almost everyone else. Basic is designed to be easy to understand and pronounce. Most alien species can speak it, and almost all of them can understand it. Most records and texts are stored in Basic. Nevertheless, a variety of other languages are in use. It is not unusual for someone to speak several languages; Basic, a native tongue, a couple of regional dialects, and a smattering of trade languages. A well-traveled citizen may speak dozens of languages. In addition, during this time an ancient written language called Zimchai is used in the documentation of the galaxy's medical terms.
Conjecture and "SW Gamer #5." Zimchai is sourced from "SW Adventure Journal #14." Aurebesh is the written language that is seen in Luke's X-Wing cockpit when R2 is talking to him, likewise when Anakin is in the N-1 cockpit, and when Darth Maul is looking through his macrobinoculars.

The Holobook, a slim crystalline board, is developed to store vast amounts of information. Developed during the early millennia of the Old Republic, holobooks were incredibly durable. When properly stored and maintained, holobooks gave off a soft, blue glow. Like the Jedi Holocrons, holobooks provided interactive interfaces to their knowledge, allowing a reader to delve as deeply into subject matter as they desired.
Conjecture based upon "Star Wars Episode II: Visual Dictionary."

The Republic Spacelane Bureau is formed, to ensure that hyperspace routes are all marked and easily accessible to space travelers.
"SW RPG: Player's Guide to Tapani."

In the early days of the Old Republic, the colony ship Sevari Cabal is lost in space. It is later assumed that this ship made it to the planet Sevarcos and that its passengers became the ancestors of the Sevari clans that would exist during the time of the Galactic Empire.
Conjecture based on "The Free-Trader's Guide to Sevarcos." Borrowed from Nathan Butler's Timeline Gold.

The spread of technology and civilization led to the development of a so - called galactic economy. Few worlds are entirely self - sufficient. Some specialize in manufacturing high - tech goods yet depend on neighboring agricultural worlds for food. Those agricultural worlds rely on manufacturing worlds to produce the machinery for efficiently harvesting and processing the foodstuffs as well as supplying the chemical industries that make pesticides to kill insects and provide nutrient sprays to speed crop growth. This galactic economy has allowed megacorporations to accumulate tremendous economic and political power.
Conjecture based upon "The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology." [Page 168]


c. 24,980 BSW4

During this period of time, the Duros establish orbital waystations, and begin striking out into the inky blackness of unexplored space. The Duros eventually blaze new hyperspace routes and encounter other star travelers, such as the Corellians. Queen Rana Mas Trehalt dies, and her heir King Dassid continues his mother's policies of galactic expansion and watched as more and more Duros relocated to space stations and far - flung colony worlds.
"The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." [Page 77] Moved here via a top-secret source.


c. 24,975 BSW4

The Aqualish, after they have learned the secret of starship engineering, use their captured ship to attack their sister world. The Ando soon slap together a ragtag space fleet. Their armada leaves their star system on a bold crusade to conquer the peaceful civilizations of the Republic. The galactic government, however, had the best - trained soldiers and most advanced armaments in existence. Warships of the Republic's navy smashed the inferior fleet and swiftly took the war to Ando. Smart enough to realize that they were hopelessly outmatched, the cowed Aqualish sued for peace. Ando was forcibly demilitarized under the watchful eye of the Republic. Though they could no longer be part of a conquering Aqualish space fleet, many of the tusked aliens found offworld employment, as strikebearers, bill collectors, and other vocations were their bellicose temperaments were an asset.
Conjecture from "SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races" [Page 13] and "The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." [Page 17]


One system that attracted initial interest from the Hutts was the Y'Toub system, where a pleasant yellow star shone over six planets, four habitable. The largest, Evocar, despite its huge size, had an extremely low density. With almost no heavy metals, the gravity is comparable to a standard world. Home to a species of humanoids called the Evocii; their civilization was in a primitive, feudal state of development. Upon discovering them, the Hutts offered to sell the Evocii modern technology. The Hutts traded technology for real estate - the Evocii never suspected the Hutts were trying to buy the planet away from them. By the time they learned what the Hutts were up to, construction teams had begun arriving. Soon, they replaced Evocii lodges with fantastic palaces and pleasure pavilions, which dot the surface to this day. The Evocii appealed to the Republic, but even a Jedi cannot find a loophole in a Hutt contract. The Evocii were relocated to a nearby moon.

Now in secure control of Evocar, the final transformation began. The last native structures were torn down to make room for theme parks and palaces. The ancient monuments were replaced with Hutt shrines and the planet was renamed Nal Hutta, which means "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese. Whether this refers to the planet's climate or its population is unknown, but in any case, it is an apt description of this pleasant and beautiful world. This was one of the first planets bought by the Hutts and it has become synonymous with Hutt crime clans. The planet is ruled by a council of the elders of each clan who live here. This world is home to a full-fledged Hutt society. Though the planet is owned by Hutts and according to tradition Huttese is the only language permitted to be spoken here, there are many non - Hutt residents as part of the enormous class of slaves, servants and sycophants to be found anywhere Hutts reside. From here, they control the entire economic life of the moon, Nar Shaddaa, an ancient spacer's base, and home to many of the pilots and techs working for the Hutt smuggling guilds. Those earning the Hutt's gratitude are often bought here for audience and vacation. Those who earn their wrath can sometimes be found orbiting between both planets.
Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 84 - 85]


c. 24,930 BSW4

The Dueling Academies evolve into schools which target the art and chivalry of dueling. Each academy had its own set of philosophies on dueling, which were shaped by the master instructors and the weapons they preferred to use, but all considered physical combat to be the basest from of combat.
Conjecture based upon "SW RPG II: Power of the Jedi Sourcebook."


c. 24,800 BSW4

Corellian Engineering Corporation begins to construct the YG series of ships.
Conjecture based upon "SW Gamer #2."


c. 24,500 BSW4

After hundreds of years of study, the Jedi Order are making headway in understanding - and more importantly, learning how to use - the Force. They discover the ability to see into future events, to affect people's minds, even how to heal injuries without the use of surgery or medicine. Sadly, some begin to use this power for evil and selfish purposes, and traditions rise about a "Dark Side" of the Force that encourages and even lures the unwary Jedi to commit heinous acts.
"SW RPG II: Power of the Jedi Sourcebook." [Page 6]

After many centuries, layer after layer of city is built on top of previous levels on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, until the surface is entirely covered in a multi - story vertical city. Lower levels fall into decay and those who could not afford to relocate higher were marginalized and forgotten. Among there unfortunates are the mutated descendants of the Evocii.
Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 85]


The first great schism between the Jedi takes place, a schism between the Forces of Light and Darkness. A single rogue Jedi, Xendor, first fell to the Dark Side. Using manipulation, the rogue turned many more Jedi to the Dark Side, creating an army. After amassing a fleet of spacecraft, the "dark" Jedi declared war on the Jedi Order. The conflict swept through the galaxy, consuming countless worlds, and lives.
"Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith." Date was conjectured at around 11,500 BSW4, but this date has now been locked by "SW Gamer: The Emperor's Pawns." The art seems to indicate Lightsabers were not yet invented at the time of the schism. Entry augmented by Michael Zeiger.


Arden Lyn, a corrupted Follower of Palawa and exile from Kashi Mer, battles the Jedi alongside her lover, the dark Jedi Xendor. Xendor is killed, and Arden is put into a death-like state by Jedi Master Awdrysta Pina, who used the technique of Morichro to stop Lyn's heart as he lay dying from a bolt from a powerful Kashi Mer talisman Lyn used on him.
"SW Gamer: The Emperor's Pawns."

The Sith retained a harmonious social structure until now, with the arrival of a single fallen Jedi who took particular interest in their techniques for drawing power from the Dark Side. This dark Jedi dominated the Sith people, turning them into unwilling thralls, stealing their knowledge of sorcery and using it against them. This Jedi proclaimed himself the Dark Lord of the Sith, making him first in a lineage that would plague the rest of the galaxy for untold millennia. The Sith developed and perfected the techniques of calling on the Dark Side, enabling them to create more and more complex powers once thought well beyond the grasp of mere sentients. The Sith simultaneously feed on and empower the Dark Side in a symbiotic relationship whose ties can never be severed. This Dark Jedi would continue to pervert Sith culture until his lineage is joined by hundreds of fallen Jedi during the Great Schism, which concludes in the total subjugation of the Sith species.
"SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion." [Page 79] This does not give an exact dating for the fallen Jedi who corrupts the Sith race, and claims the title of first Dark Lord of the Sith, but it has to be after the formation of the Jedi, and well before the golden age of the Sith Empire. I have placed it here to allow for the 'long lineage' of Sith Lords, and for time to allow them to gradually build up their Sith Empire.


c. 24,400 BSW4

After a century of battle, the Dark Jedi were exiled and eventually took over the Sith civilization, built it into an empire, and brought about the so-called 'Golden Age of the Sith.' In time, the Republic grew complacent and believed that the Dark Side had been defeated. Among the many Jedi literature and traditions of this period is the prophecy of the one who will bring 'balance to the Force' and heal the schism. During this time, the fallen Jedi also begin experimenting on their subjects, converting many Sith into deadly Massassi warriors.

".... And in the time of greatest
despair there shall come a saviour,
and he shall be known as: THE SON

Journal of the Whills, 3:127

"Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith" and "Secrets of the Sith." Entry augmented by Michael Zeiger.


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