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Wide-Ranging McCallum Interview On Collider

Posted By Eric on January 19, 2012

Every so often you get an in-depth interview with a legendary member of the Star Wars production team that just makes you want to shout, "Thank you, [interviewer's name here]!" This is one of those cases. Collider's Steve Weintraub posted an excellent interview with producer Rick McCallum yesterday that covers an incredible amount of ground. There's a veritable feast of information in there about Star Wars alone, but McCallum also discusses Game of Thrones, sports, and his conversations with George Lucas about film-making. Of course, what fans are most interested in is the Star Wars live-action series, and McCallum certainly gave us more to gnaw on in this interview.

"Weintraub: I definitely wanna ask you a little bit about the live-action show. You mentioned yesterday that the idea is to get down to $5 million per episode, and I know you guys must be working on the budget now. How close have you guys been able to bring the budget down, or are you still so far apart that it just can't happen yet?

McCallum: It's so far apart, this is the best way to put it into perspective: we did Episode III?which is one of the larger of all the Star Wars films in relation to set construction, visual effects, the amount of visual effects and everything else?and that was made for $100 million which was unheard of even five years ago, because had it been made by any studio or anywhere in the United States it would have been easily double that price. So imagine an hour's episode with more digital animation and more visual effects and more complicated in terms of set design and costume design than a two- hour movie that takes us three years to make, and we have to do that every week and we only have $5 million to do it. That's our challenge. It's not a challenge that I think can be dealt with in the next year or two years, I think it's gonna be a little bit more longer term goal."

And then there's this:

"[I]f we can ever get it together and George really wants to pursue it, it'll be the most awesome part of the whole franchise, personally."

Sounds amazing!

Be sure to click through to Collider.com to read more of this fascinating interview with Rick McCallum. He also discusses the rapidly-expanding special effects industry, the TPM 3D re-release (regarding possible changes from the Blu-ray, he confirmed that "[i]t's the same movie in 3D"), and the request for the unaltered OT on DVD (don't get your hopes up).

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