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This Week's The Clone Wars Round Up

Posted By Mike on July 12, 2008

Well, it has been a busy week with coverage of The Clone Wars. Here is an attempt to try to get you up to speed with all of The Clone Wars tidbits and links from around the web.

First, make sure you are caught up with the following TFN links:
"McDonalds Clone Wars Toys"
"The Clone Wars Soundtrack"
"Clone Wars Premiere At Egyptian Theatre" - In case you glanced through the press release, note that the cast of characters for The Clone Wars film adaptation have now been officially listed: (No Ewan or Hayden but a strong cast none the less)

"The voice cast features Matt Lanter as Anakin Skywalker; Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano; James Arnold Taylor as Obi-Wan Kenobi; Dee Bradley Baker as Captain Rex and the Clone Troopers; Tom Kane as Yoda; Nika Futterman as Asajj Ventress; Ian Abercrombie as Chancellor Palpatine; Anthony Daniels as C-3PO; Christopher Lee as Count Dooku; and Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu."

Our friends at Rebelscum have uncovered the following release dates:

"October 3rd - The Clone Wars series begins on TV!
22 episodes picking up where the movie left off.

November 18th - The Clone Wars movie comes out on DVD, and a new video game is released!"
(TheHDRoom.com speculates here on a possible Blu-Ray release)

The Cartoon Network held a screening of an entire episode of The Clone Wars TV show during their TCA Press Tour and you can check out the links below for coverage and reviews (mostly positive but there are a few negatives): *BEWARE OF MINOR SPOILERS*

LATimes.com - "TCA: ?Star Wars: The Clone Wars? series first look"
THRFeed.com - "First look: 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' TV series"
PremiumHollywood.com - "We interrupt our chronological coverage of the TCA Press Tour?"
Post-Gazzette.com - "Press tour: 'Clone Wars' screened"
Deseretnews.com - "Oh my gosh! "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" rocks!"
SFGate.com - "Geek alert: Cartoon Network just showed full ep of "Clone Wars"'
Variety.com - "Star Wars: Clone Wars"
NJ.com - "Staaaaaar Waaaaaars... if they should baaaaarrrr waaaarrs..."
IGN.com - "Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Our First Look"
Zap2it.com - "Cartoon Network sneak peeks full episode of 'Clone Wars'"
Oregonlive.com - "Summer TCA: It's "Clone Wars" But Yrs. Truly Prefers John King's Electoral Map"
TheGlobeandMail.com - "The force falls flat"
Meevee.com - "First look at "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"'
LATimes.com - "'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' is previewed"
Aintitcool.com - "Does The Cartoon Network?s New, CGI, Tartakovsky-Free CLONE WARS Rock Real Hard??"
eFluxMedia.com - "Cartoon Network Previews Full Episode Of 'Star Wars: Clone Wars'"

Click here for a look at some new Clone Wars pics at the BBC and here for some more at Star Wars Union. Oooh! And lets not forget a possible first look at Rotta The Hutt right here at Clone Wars Insider. (Scroll down to the middle of the page)

Just to make sure you are up to date on the latest book news for The Clone Wars:
"The Clone Wars Novelization Cover"
"Clone Wars Books From Penguin"
"Karen Traviss Talks TCW"
"TCW Children's Book Covers"
"DK Young Readers Clone Wars Books"

Last but not least, Jedi News is reporting that the September issue of SFX Magazine (which comes out in July) will be featuring 3 limited edition Clone Wars covers including some never before seen artwork. The issue will also come with free Clone Wars Pocket Model Trading Cards.

That's all for now. Like I said, it's been a busy week. Stayed tuned for more The Clone Wars goodness as we hear it...or see it.

Sources: Starwars.com, ClubJade.net, Rebelscum.com, EUCantina.net, SWBooks.co.uk, JediNews.co.uk

*And thanks to everyone for their e-mails with links to all of the Clone Wars coverage. There were just too many to list this week, but we always greatly appreciate it!

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