After a week off, The Clone Wars returns this Friday night with part 2 of the ongoing Citadel story-arc, "Counterattack" (S3 Ep. 19). has posted the preview version of the episode guide which includes the following synopsis...
"With freed prisoners in their possession and the brutal warden attempting desperately to thwart them, Obi-Wan and Anakin search for a way out of the Citadel and back to Coruscant. The prison, however, has more traps, perils and pitfalls in s tore for them than they had imagined and they must work past their differences if they are to escape."
We'll be sure to keep you posted as the Lucasfilm preview write-up and video become availalbe.
UPDATE: The full version of the episode guide is now online at the main site. You can look forward to the complete episode along with video commentary this coming Monday.