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Seth Green Talks Star Wars: Detours...Sort Of

Posted By Mike on July 23, 2011

David M. Ewalt at Forbes.com got the chance to chat with Seth Green about his various ongoing projects (including Stoopid Monkey and Mass Effect 3) and the questions got right down to business by diving into Star Wars: Detours. Don't get your hopes up as Green still can't really talk much about the project. He does however touch on the internet rumors surrounding it, and his excitement for the project, in the excerpt below.

"It?s just so funny, the way that information gets kind of put out there, in the way that everybody agrees that it?s the fact. George talks about when a fan insisted that they had been in a meeting where it was decided that the name of Episode I was going to be ?The Balance of the Force.? Don?t you remember hearing that title? It?s the same kind of thing. Star Wars is such a phenomenal global supernova that anything that gets said about it becomes kind of fact and gospel, and then taken by the legions of fans who are so excited to have more Star Wars, that they roll off on all sorts of flights of fancy.

I can?t wait until we can actually talk about what this thing really is, instead of about just trying to explain to people what it isn?t. But it?s still a ways away. I can only assure you that we?re really doing the best we can to make it awesome, and it?s just as important to us as it is to all of you."

Click here for the full interview where Green proceeds to touch on Robot Chicken Star Wars and the humbling experience of working with The Maker. (Beware of a little adult language.)

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