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Report: TCW Bonus Content To Be Two Story Arcs Posted By Eric on March 23, 2013
A few days ago, I received confirmation that Lucasfilm Animation was proceeding with layoffs. Yesterday, Colum Slevin, Vice President and Head of Studio Operations for Lucasfilm, publicly alluded to the layoffs in a Tumblr post. Today, I have more news about The Clone Wars to report, and depending on your expectations about the promised "bonus content," this news will either be disappointing or about what you expected -- but probably not a welcome surprise.
A source in the know tells me that Lucasfilm is only finishing two story arcs from the material that they had planned for The Clone Wars Season Six. Among the story arcs that will not emerge in this post-cancellation era is one that dealt with Boba Fett and the other bounty hunters who have menaced the heroes for several seasons. This story arc, which my source tells me was almost done, would have shown us the fates of Cad Bane and Aurra Sing.
Even though The Clone Wars isn't coming back in its original form, reminding Disney how much we enjoyed it is the best way to ensure that at least part of the company's future decision-making involves gauging fan response. Remember to send your letters to:
Bob Iger Disney Studios 500 S Buena Vista St Burbank, CA 91521
As always, TFN will keep you updated on developments relating to Lucasfilm Animation and Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
This report has been updated to reflect new information.