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New Star Wars Television Series Coming 2011

Posted By Dustin on April 1, 2010

After months of speculation throughout the fan community details have finally emerged during the Cartoon Network?s annual ?Upfront? conference this week: Lucasfilm has confirmed its plans to build upon the popular Clone Wars series with a number of new original animated shows.

George Lucas and Rob Coleman made a special guest appearance at the conference, bringing along a short presentation that contained several very early concept images from the first series that begins production this fall . . .

Here's the official Lucasfilm Animation Press Release:

Star Wars: The Adventures of Ben Quadinaros

Lucasfilm is pleased to announce that Star Wars will be evolving once again as a new era of Stars Wars entertainment begins in 2011.

Produced by Lucasfilm Animation: Star Wars: The Adventures of Ben Quadinaros will showcase an entirely new startlingly original and eye-popping animation style.

Astonishing new revelations will abound, we promise you will never look at the movies in the same light again.

George Lucas, executive producer of Star Wars: The Adventures of Ben Quadinaros: ?I felt there were a still many more Star Wars stories left to tell that fall outside of the clone wars adventures. I?m building upon an idea found in Kurosawa?s ?Hidden Fortress? where stories of huge importance are orated by one of the least significant protagonists in the story."

"I was inspired in part by Tarsem Singh's 'The Fall' and the Bulgarian film that it was based upon 'Yo Ho Ho' where both stories are viewed through the eyes of a little girl. The primary difference being that in our tale we will be seeing the story though the eyes of Ben Quadinaros"

Rob Coleman, director of the new series commented: ?Initially there was some hesitance to expand upon such a small character, who after all only occupied only a few seconds of screen time. However our market research indicated that for younger Prequel audiences Ben simply had something special. As with previous generations who immediately connected to Boba Fett, despite his limited appearance. Something about the way he was designed really connects to today?s audience. His simplicity, distinctive shape and lines just feel more modern and street.?

A handful of fans have already spoken of their reservations about the concept during an open discussion group at Big Rock Ranch. Rob Coleman: ? George feels that's just old school fans not being open to new and contemporary spins. As he often reminds us many people didn't like the original movies right away when they were released. But again. we're convinced that fans will grow to love these interpretations as much as they did the original versions, if not more."

Click here for more details!

Extra special thanks to Paul B. for the heads up!

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