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Kwenn-class Hyperdrive
these hyperdrives are used on Mon Calamari luxury liners.

Pre-Hyperdrive History
this was the term originally used by Jedi Master Odan-Urr to describe the very earliest of the galaxy's documented history. The events of the Pre-Hyperdrive era preceded the events that led to the formation of the Old Republic.

Series 401 Hyperdrive Motivator
a top-of-the-line starship component produced during the early years of the New Republic.

The History of Hyperdrive
this was one of the many exhibit wings found in the Galactic Museum on Coruscant.

Type 7 Hyperdrive
this model of Haor Chall hyperdrive core was developed for use on the Silver-class starship. They were often referred to as Silver-class engines, and were classified as Class 1 hyperdrives. Many of these drive systems were used on the original Sekotan starships produced on Zonama Sekot, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Note that The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels indicates that the Silver-class engine was used for sublight transport.

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