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this seemingly innocent medical droid found work aboard the Dune Princess, helping those who were motion-sick during the tour. However, 0-1B was actually a lethal battle droid created by the Alliance sympathizer known as "Never Die." 0-1B's mission was to intercept the Shard of Alderaan computer slicing program before Begas Tok could auction it off to the wrong people.

this was the access override code used by Edda Gast, at the Binring Biomedical facility on Saffalore.

this MD-3 medical droid was one of two taken from Jabba the Hutt's palace by Dengar, following the crimelord's death on Tatooine. Along with SH?1-B, 1e-XE were useful in bringing Boba Fett back to life after the bounty hunter escaped from the Sarlacc's belly. 1e-XE was a white-banded droid with a very minimalist outlook. It never spoke in more than two- or three-word phrases, and often simply used a single word to express its current state of mind. When Fett was nearly healed, following the attempt by Kuat of Kuat to eliminate him, the droids were left behind as the bounty hunters fled the planet.

2-1B (Two-Onebee)
this was the designation of a series of humanoid medical droids built by Geentech and Industrial Automaton in a joint effort. They are simply-constructed droids with incredible perception and talent, having performed flawlessly for decades during the last years of the Old Republic through the era of the New Republic. They can also be modified to perform precise technical procedures as well, such as neurosurgery or optometry. These droids could be updated with a variety of appendages and programming, but only at an approved service center. This ensured that the droid was properly suited to perform its new duties, just as a surgery had to be trained and certified. A certain 2-1B droid in the service of Lord Cuvir was part of the inspection team that went to Wor Tandell. When Tiree attacked and killed Cuvir, 2-1B decided to return with Tiree and join the Alliance. 2-1B was eventually assigned to the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth, and served as the base's primary medical droid. It was 2-1B, with assistance from FX-7, that treated Luke Skywalker after he was assaulted by the Wampa ice creature. Following the evacuation of Echo Base after the Battle of Hoth, 2-1B was on the Bright Hope when it was disabled by the combined fire of the Mist Hunter and an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. 2-1B helped treat the wounded aboard the ship before being rescued by Zuckuss and 4-LOM. After this, 2-1B continued to serve the Alliance, and even helped attach Luke Skywalker's prosthetic hand after the real one was lost in a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader on Cloud City. The 2-1B droid that helped Luke recover from exposure to the harsh environment of Hoth was voiced by Russel Horton for the The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama on National Public Radio.

this was the form used by Old Republic medical personnel to requisition the supplies and technology they needed to do their jobs. The use of a 22K97(MD) form became something of a joke during the height of the Clone Wars, since there were too many battlefronts that needed supplies that simply couldn't be produced fast enough.

this medical droid was assigned to the crew of Ki-Adi-Mundi's Old Republic starship, during his search for Ephant Mon and his daughter, Sylvn. Her databanks were programmed with medical information on over twelve million species, but her overall programming was a prototype and, therefore, not fully tested.

the medical droid used by Captain Ixsthmus aboard the starship Long Shot.

this skeletal droid was originally manufactured as a medical assistant. After being acquired by QS-2D, though, 4-KT was reprogrammed to work as a droid developer and an assistant to Q-8Y5. 4-KT enjoyed its work, and sometimes was so single-minded in its pursuit of a solution that it completely drained its power cells and had to be manually recharged.

a medical droid assigned to the Ravagor, it helped repair the damage sustained by Ranulf Trommer in his TIE Bomber attack on Aguarl 3.

A Vrassa
this pleasure-causing drug is standard in most medical kits.

Aargau Medical Observer Corps
this neutral organization was active during the height of the Clone Wars. Both the Separatists and the Old Republic tolerated the AMOC, allowing them to visit war-torn worlds to investigate any atrocities which might have been committed.

this was a form of medical bandage that was produced during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. An actibandage was used to cover deep gashes or puncture wounds, where pressure needed to be applied in order to stop the flow of blood.

AG-series Droid
this was a series of medical droids produced during the last decades of the Old Republic.

this Mon Calamari female was captured during the Empire's initial occupation of Calamari and forced to work with the medical corps. The rest of her family was simply sold into slavery. She did her best to ease the suffering of her people, being moved from camp to camp in order to ensure she didn't develop any relationships. When she saved the life of a minor Imperial Navy officer, the grateful officer brought Ahleazah to his starship, where she was allowed to work with and learn from the advanced medical facilities on the ship. During her treatment of an Alliance pilot who was to undergo interrogation, Ahleazah decided that the time had come for her to act against the Empire which had destroyed her family. She treated the pilot, then got both of them to an escape pod just as the Imperial ship was leaving the Anoat System. An Alliance convoy later rescued them, and Ahleazah served the Alliance - and later, the New Republic - as a medic and healer.

Air Ambulance
this repulsorlift transport is used to convey injured and ailing individuals to hospital facilities as quickly as possible. Essentially a transport airspeeder, the air ambulance is crewed by a pilot, co-pilot, a medical technician, and up to two prone patients.

one of the medical officers serving aboard the FarStar shortly after the Battle of Endor, Akanseh had fled Calamari to avoid being enslaved, but was later imprisoned on Kal'Shebbol by Moff Kentor Sarne. Akanseh was liberated by Page's Commandos during the New Republic assault on Kal'Shebbol. Akanseh never revealed why he had been imprisoned, simply claiming that Sarne hadn't needed a charge to imprison him. In reality, Sarne was wanted Akanseh to develop a droid-maintained medical suite on Kal'Shebbol, to augment his experiments with the DarkStryder technology. Akanseh joined the crew of the FarStar when the call went out for volunteers to go after Sarne. Unknown to most of his shipmates, Akanseh was a former interrogation expert with a great deal of experience in torturing individuals. When the FarStar and its crew escaped from the Q'Maere Research Facility, Doctor Akanseh opted to remain on Q'Maere and help rehabilitate the prisoners there.

this man served the Empire as a Commander of the ground forces working to secure the planet Ralltiir, during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Two years earlier, TK-622 saved the life of Akobi, and Akobi showed his gratitude by ensuring that TK-622 got promoted to new positions whenever he was moved. The pair honed their combat skills together, and developed an innate trust of each other's abilities. While on Ralltiir, Commander Akobi ordered the strike against a supposed rebel cell that led to the massacre of farmers and families at Ettam. When he found out that the attack had destroyed a medical facility, and not a weapons deopt, Akobi began to question his own abilities and the tenets of the Empire. Shortly afterward, TK-622 was again forced to put his life on the line when a hidden thermal detonator - planted by rebels - went off near them. Shortly afterward, Akobi was transferred to a posting on the first Death Star, and TK-622 went with him. Upon arrival, TK-622 discovered a sabotaged RA-7 protocol droid, again saving Akobi's life. Onboard the Death Star, Akobi was to receive a commendation from Grand Moff Tarkin himself, to honor the work he did on Ralltiir. Before the ceremony, another Alliance-rigged droid attacked Akobi, sending thousands of volts of stunning energy through his body before TK-622 couuld destroy it. The attack eventually claimed Akobi's life, and spurred TK-622 to dig deeper into the possibility of an Alliance saboteur on the Death Star.

Alaras, Cinto
a native of Rya, this man was a designer and medical consultant, employed by Neuro-Saav during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Assigned to the facilities on Tauber, Doctor Alaras earned a reputation as a contributor rather than an inventor, and was suspected by many of his colleagues of plotting to steal their designs. He was educated at the Carosi XII Academy of Medicine shortly after the Battle of Yavin, and the position at Neuro-Saav was the first - and only - job offer he received.

Aldera Universal Medcenter
this was one of the most prominent hospitals found on the planet Alderaan. Affiliated with Alderaan University, the Aldera Universal Medcenter was known for never turning away a being in need, and many said that miracles were performed on a daily basis inside its walls. In addition to its medical facilities, Aldera Universal Medcenter also contained a renowned educational facility, providing training and hands-on experience for interns as well as professionals.

Alderaanian Medical Association
this was the controlling body of the multitude of doctors and physicians of the planet Alderaan.

Amidala, Padme'
this native of the planet Naboo was born with the name Padme' Naberrie, and took the royal name Amidala when she was elected Queen. She was just fourteen standard years of age when she was voted into office as the Queen of Naboo. However, she was already a seasoned veteran of the planet's political scene, having served for two years as the ruler of the capital city of Theed. Note that issue 6 of the Star Wars Kids magazine claims Amidala was elected Queen at the age of twelve, not just city leader. She was born to humble parents who live in a remote, mountain village, but quickly became enamored of the glamorous life of the city after visiting with her grandmother, Winama. Although this worried her parents, they also saw that she was quite special, and allowed her to continue her political training. After becoming Queen, she trained under Captain Panaka in the martial arts, and also agreed to use deception when necessary to ensure her safety. To this end, she favored heavy theatrical facepaint and an incredibly ornate wardrobe, but this was mainly for practical purposes. The facepaint and clothing helped mask her true appearance, which closely resembled that of her handmaiden, Sabe'. In times of crisis or danger, Sabe' often took the place of the Queen, while Amidala pretended to be a simple servant using her given name Padme' Naberrie. Shortly after being elected Queen, she was thrust into the galactic forefront during the rise to power of Senator Palpatine and the crisis with the Trade Federation. She showed why she had been elected during the conflict, standing tall against the Neimoidians and traveling to Coruscant to petition her case to the Galactic Senate. However, political maneuvering was outside her scope, and she often deferred to Palpatine's judgement. This led her to fall into Palpatine's plan to discredit Chancellor Valorum, as she felt that the only way to save Naboo was to force Valorum out of office and replace him with a stronger figure. However, her experiences on Tatooine with Shmi and Anakin Skywalker had reduced her faith in the Old Republic anyway, and Valorum's lack of backbone in condemning the Neimoidian invasion only served to support her agreement with Palpatine's plan to remove Valorum from office. During her stay on Coruscant, Amidala realized that Jar Jar Binks - and the Gungans in general - were greatly misunderstood by the Naboo. With Binks' help, she devised a plan to remove the yoke of Neimoidian control. Once her plea had been heard, Amidala returned to Naboo and forged an alliance with the Gungan leader Boss Nass, and together they were able to repel the droid armies of the Trade Federation and free Naboo from its blockade in the climactic Battle of Naboo. Following the completion of her two terms as Queen, Amidala stepped into the role of Senator to the Old Republic. She served Chommell Sector, including Naboo and its 35 neighboring star systems, after Palpatine was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Senator Amidala was one of the loudest voices in opposition to Chancellor Palpatine's call for a military solution to the growing movement toward secession from the Republic, forming the Campaign Against Republic Militarization in an effort to stave off full-scale war. However, two assassination attempts on her life took her back to Naboo, under the safekeeping of a more mature Anakin Skywalker. They then discovered, much to their dismay, that they were falling in love. After surviving the Battle of Geonosis, Padme' and Anakin were married on Naboo, and were forced to keep their marriage a secret from everyone but themselves. The duplicity of their actions took its toll over time, as Anakin became more and more angry about having to hide their relationship. This anger spread to other aspects of Anakin's life, and Padme' began to see him slipping toward the Dark Side of the Force. She eventually confided in Obi-Wan Kenobi about her marriage, shortly after telling Anakin that she was pregnant with their first child. Obi-Wan agreed to help, but asked Padme' to try and keep Anakin from falling any further. In the wake of the First Battle of Coruscant, Anakin confided in her that he had done something terrible, and that he was going to travel to to Mustafar to destroy the Council of Separatists. Anakin said that it would finally bring them the peace the galaxy needed. Padme' was distraught enough to follow Anakin, hoping to prevent any further violence or change in Anakin. Obi-Wan took the opportunity to stow away aboard her ship, in an effort to bring Anakin to justice. When Anakin discovered Padme', and then Obi-Wan, had followed him, he immediately became angry and jealous. Grabbing Padme' by the neck, he accused them of plotting against him. Anakin and Obi-Wan shouted at each other, with Obi-Wanb trying to explain that he was not involved with Padme', just worried about them. Anakin refused to believe them, and tossed Padme' aside in order to confront his former Master. Padme' was then taken back aboard her ship by C-3PO, and Obi-Wan later returned to take them back to Coruscant after defeating Anakin. After landing at Polis Massa, Padme' was rushed to a medical facility, where it was discovered that she was physically fine, but was nonetheless dying. It was also discovered that she was pregnant with twins, who were removed from her womb just before she died, seemingly from a broken heart. In order to ensure that the twins grew up in secrecy, Padme's body was returned to her family on Naboo, but was made to appear still pregnant. All that was said of her death was that she died at the hands of the Jedi. In following with Naboo tradition, the identity of the father was not revealed, as an investigation would only serve to blemish her reputation. Note that the Star Wars: Episode III Visual Dictionary indicates that Padme's family was not told of the pregnancy.
(SW1, TPM, JQA, IG1, SWK, OWS, SWDB, HNN4, VD2, X2, AOTC, VD3, IS3, E3N)

Anglebay Station
this medical facility was located on Telos-4, during the height of the New Order. During the Galactic Civil War, the administrators of the medical station tried to remain neutral, offering their services to either side of the conflict. In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, Anglebay Station was destroyed by Valance the Hunter.

this was one of the potent medical drugs developed for use by the Grand Army of the Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars.

this was the original designation of Massad Thrumble's custom-built medical droid, which he later nicknamed Doc.

Arkanian Microtechnologies
this Arkanian corporation was ostensibly a manufacturer of medical supplies and technologies, but specialized in the advanced development of genetic engineering. Like the Arkanians who founded it, Arkanian Microtechnologies was highly fearful of outsiders, and much of its security system centered on the prohibition - or elimination - of non-Arkanians. This made entering the premises nearly impossible for off-worlders, unless they were provided with specialized security badges. During the early stages of the Clone Wars, Arkanian Microtechnologies struggled to produce a cheaper clone trooper for the Army of the Republic. Their plan did not involve cloning, but a new form of development which remained a corporate secret for many years. Emperor Palpatine took advantage of the new technologies developed as Arkanian Micro, creating Force-sensitive clones from the genetic material of Sa Cuis, in an effort to produce a small army of Dark Jedi. This new technology could produce a useful clone in just over a year.
(PH, SWI85)

Asajj Ventress
a native of the planet Rattatak, this woman was a ruthless and cunning adversary, known for her military expertise and her corrupt mastery over the Force. Her parents were murdered by Osika Kirske when she was young, and might have died if not to the sudden appearance of Jedi Master Ky Narec. Master Narec was stranded on Rattatak, and discovered her connection to the Force. Cut off from the Jedi Order, Narec took it upon himself to train Ventress. After Narec was killed by Kirske, Ventress used her considerable powers to gain power and authority on her homeworld, and eventually killed Kirske. She believed that the Jedi Order had abandoned her teacher to his fate, and she hated them for it. This hatred gave her a strong connection to the Dark Side of the Force, which she tapped to kill off the twelve warlords who controlled various parts of Rattatak. A black tattoo stripe was draw on her bald skull for each warlord she killed. She was discovered later by Darth Tyranus, and was instrumental in his plans to lead the Separatists to victory. Despite the fact that she was never trained in the Sith arts, she became one of his most trusted Commanders, and wielded a pair of curved-handled ligthsabers which were similar to Tyranus' own weapon. However, each of Ventress' lightsabers could be attached at the base, creating a double-bladed lightsaber with blades that extended a slightly different angles. This made the weapon harder to deflect and counter. When it was learned that Jedi Master Mace Windu was traveling to Ruul to meet with the dissident Jedi Master Sora Bulq, Tyranus ordered Ventress to go to Ruul and kill the dissidents. If cornered, she was to explain that she had been hired by Master Windu, to help ensure that there would be no dissention among the Jedi. She managed to injure Master Bulq and kill Mira, and she openly stated that she hoped Master Windu would be pleased with her work. She then turned her attention to destroying Master Bulq's followers, hoping to ensure that the Jedi Order was discredited. She was unable, however, to defeat Master Windu in battle, and opted to flee Ruul and fight another day. Ventress later was teamed with the bounty hunter Durge, during the Separatist attack on the moon of Ohma-D'un. They had hoped to launch a second attack on Naboo, after Ohma-D'un was destroyed, but Republic forces led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker interrupted their plans. As Durge tried to reach Naboo, Obi-Wan and Ventress battled with their lightsabers in the swamps. Their battle ended in a draw, with Anakin arriving with clone troopers just as Durge arrived to help Ventress escape. They fled to Queyta, where they were ordered to secure the antidote to the swamp gas poison used on Ohma-D'un. Once again, Obi-Wan and the Jedi Knights confronted them, but Ventress was in control of the antidote by then. She tried to flee, but was pursued by Obi-Wan and Master Fay. It was Master Fay who used the Force to hurl shards of glass and metal at Ventress, catching the Dark Jedi in the throat. Ventress had no skills in healing, and surrendered the antidote to the Jedi. She didn't die, however, and stabbed Master Fay as they were fleeing. Once again, Ventress and Durge fled the Jedi to return to Count Dooku. As the Clone Wars ground on, Ventress issued substantial bounties on 82 members of the Jedi Order, all of them without the consent of the Republic Office of Criminal Investigations, which allowed every bounty hunter in the galaxy to try and capture them. This served two purposes. First, it helped eliminate many of the Jedi Knights. Second, it kept the rest of the Jedi Order busy defending themselves from bounty hunters while they were trying to bring an end to the conflict. She nearly killed Anakin Skywalker on Yavin 4 before escaping with her life, then captured Obi-Wan Kenobi on Jabiim, hoping to present the Jedi Master to Count Dooku as a gift. However, Obi-Wan managed to escape, taking Ky Narec's lightsaber with him. The loss of the weapon, which had been a symbol of Ventress' only guiding example, left her with a broken sense of loyalty. Near the end of the Clone Wars, Ventress guided the capture of the Intergalactic Communications Center on Praesitlyn, only to lose control of it to Anakin Skywalker's daring rescue operation. Ventress then began pleading with Dooku to take her as his apprentice, but Dooku refused. He knew that she would surpass him someday, and her skills only got more powerful the more she tried to impress him. Her loss of the Last Call and her failure to capture Yoda on Phindar did little to improve her standing in Dooku's eyes. After the escape of both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos from the wreck of the Titavian IV, Ventress turned to desparate measures to regain favor with Dooku. She abandoned Tol Skorr at the wreck and followed the Jedi to Coruscant. There, after learning the truth behind Skywalker's relationship with Padme' Amidala, Ventress tried to kill the young Jedi Knight. However, Anakin's tactics put Ventress off-guard, and he was able to bind her with a set of electrical conduits, before throwing her off the top of a building. She was not seen again, although rumors of her came to Obi-Wan Kenobi through several channels. He continued to chase down every rumor, until even Anakin Skywalker became concerned that Obi-Wan was obsessed with killing her. Even after they discovered that it was Durge who killed Drama Korr, Obi-Wan still believed Ventress was still alive. He obtained information from Durge's pilot droid of a trip to Boz Pity, and there Obi-Wan discovered that Ventress' was being held in a form of stasis. Rather than eliminating her, Obi-Wan tried to redeem her, believing that she was not fully corrupted. He might have had a chance, after Dooku abandoned her on Boz Pity, but Dooku also ordered his MagnaGuards to shoot her dead. The blast only injured her, and as Obi-Wan tried to save her, Ventress lashed out at him with a jagged piece of metal. Anakin intervened, slicing into her chest with his lightsaber before she could harm Obi-Wan. The Jedi believed her to be dead, especially when she begged Obi-Wan to guard Coruscant from Count Dooku with her "dying breath." However, Ventress had used a Sith meditation technique to drop her vital signs to near-dead levels. After her body was loaded onto the medical shuttle Bright Flight, she forced the pilots to take her to a remote hospital facility for treatment, and she was never seen again.

this man served the Alliance as a Commander of a medical corps stationed on Kirtania.

Athakam II Med Unit
developed by Athakam Medtech, this device was sometimes referred to as a medbed. Equipped with a repulsorlift engine, the Med Unit could transport a being while diagnosing and, if possible, administering treatment for a variety of injuries and illnesses. The Med Unit could transport the injured being to a hospital with a simple push. A 2-1B medical droid could also access the Med Unit, further enhancing its diagnostic capability.

Athakam MedTech
this bio-technology company worked closely with Rhinnal State Medical Academy, and developed a number of medical tools like bioscan units. Although much of the company's work was meant to save lives, there were several experiments into the development of chemical weapons. These proved too costly to continue, and Athakam returned to its pacifistic roots. During the Galactic Civil War, Athakam remained outwardly neutral, although its leadership secretly provided medical supplies to Leia Organa and the Alliance.

this immense, six-legged vehicle was the forerunner of the Imperial AT-AT. Known as an All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer, the AT-TE provided the Army of the Republic with a formidable vehicle for bringing troops into the midst of battle. The original designs for the AT-TE were developed as a mining vehicle, but it was swiftly adapted to military uses. Measuring 12.4 meters in length and standing just over five meters tall, the AT-TE was armed with six anti-personnel laser turrets and a heavy projectile cannon. It could transport twenty clone troopers into battle, and carried an IM-6 medical droid for remote battlefield treatment. The crew of an AT-TE was made up of a pilot, a spotter, four interior gunners and a gunner for the exterior projectile launcher. The armor plating of the AT-TE was shielded from ion attack by built-in electromagnetic shields. Capable of speeds near 60 kilometers an hour over ground, the AT-TE was deployed onto the battlefield by an LAAT/c gunship. The AT-TE was commisioned by the Kaminoan cloners who were employed by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, so that their clone troopers could safely be deployed into battle. The Kaminoans contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to build these vehicles, steering clear of any corporation with ties to either the Trade Federation or the Separatists. Due to the timing of the clandestine development of the clone troopers and the development of the AT-TE, the armor design created for the clone troopers produced by the Kaminoans was not finalized when the AT-TE was first developed. Thus, the driver and spotter working in the AT-TE were forced to squeeze themselves and their armor into the cramped cockpit. In the wake of the Battle of Geonosis, when the AT-TE series first saw duty, they were often deployed in swarms to take out as much of the enemy's holdings as possible in a short period of time.

any automated medical station.

this medical device is used to stop the flow of blood from a limb by compressing the vessel with a force field.

Avenel Rest Station
this space station housed one of the galaxy's most prominent medical facilities, during the early years of the New Republic.

this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "medical specialist" in the Sullustan language.

this modified 2-1B medical droid was owned by Kh'aris Fenn, and was used to torture his captives in order to obtain information. AX/RX was kept at Fenn's fortress on Kintan, and was in charge of the interrogation of the Jedi Master Tholme. However, the droid could not discern between true death and Tholme's use of the Force to shut down his bodliy functions. When Kh'aris realized that Lon Secura had refused his demands, Kh'aris sent an order to AX/RX to execute Tholme and Nat Secura. Once again, Tholme fooled the droid into thinking he was dead, then tried to destroy it. He was surprised to see his Padawan, Aayla Secura, arrived to destroy AX/RX and gain their freedom.

this 613-series digger droid was owned by the Tredway family, and worked at the 24 Tredway mining facility until it was destroyed by Imperial Governor Parnell. B14 provided information on the injuries to Dena Tredway to Luke Skywalker. B14, along with B70 and P39, sacrificed themselves in order to allow Luke Skywalker, Gideon Smith, and Sidney Shortfang rescue Dena Tredway and take her to Ire Eleazari's asteroid for medical treatment.

this 613-series digger droid was owned by the Tredway family, and worked at the 24 Tredway mining facility until it was destroyed by Imperial Governor Parnell. B14 provided information on the injuries to Dena Tredway to Luke Skywalker. B70, along with B14 and P39, sacrificed themselves in order to allow Luke Skywalker, Gideon Smith, and Sidney Shortfang rescue Dena Tredway and take her to Ire Eleazari's asteroid for medical treatment.

Bacta Parlor
during the second decade of the New Republic, especially in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, bacta parlors sprang up on a multitude of worlds. Each parlor provided patrons with the ability to obtain a quick bacta treatment, without having to register with a hospital or other medical facility. This allowed refugees and independent spacers to continue to travel away from the warzones, while still being able to receive treatment for their injuries.

Bacta Purge
a medical procedure in which a person's entire body is flooded with bacta internally. While a bacta tank allows external access to the bacta agents, a bacta purge givens them direct access to lungs and other vital organs. It is a last-resort treatment, since it can do more harm than good if improperly administered.

this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Columus. Shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, the Columi began a marketing campaign that claimed visits to Bailee and other locations on Columus were beneficial to a being's health. Medical officials refused to substantiate these claims.

Bakur Complex
this series of buildings and parks was used for housing, offices, and medical facilities in Salis D'aar. It was based on the grounds of the Bakur Memorial Building, once the seat of government and under the control of the Bakur Corporation. The Complex was comprised of the Greenwell, Statuary Park, and the Memorial Building itself.

Barl, Roxi
this black-haired woman, who was once described as having the smile of a hungry rancor, was known to the Corellian Security Force as an assassin and thug. She and her sister, Deli, tried to get rich quick by marrying Deli off to the fleet vice president of CorDuro Shipping. This man owned a one-thousandth of a percentage point interest in Kuat Drive Yards, valued at well over a million credits. However, when the man divorced Deli and left her out of his will, Roxi killed him out of anger. Years later, Roxi was the leader of the team dispatched to Corellia to capture or kill the Jedi Master Eelysa and any other Jedi they found. She was working as an independent contractor who had been engaged by Victor Pomt and the Peace Brigade to eliminate the Jedi. Roxi's team ran into Han and Leia Organa Solo at the medical facility that was treating Eelysa, and were forced to flee or be shot by the Solos. Her role in the attack on Eelysa and Leia was traced back to CorDuro Shipping, when it was revealed that she was related to CorDuro's vice president of fleets by marriage. His death was deemed mysterious, and Roxi's involvement in his death was soon exposed.

this ancient corporation produced a wide range of medical packages for personal use, during the era of the Great Sith War.

Bellorin Medical Academy
this was the most prominent school of medicine on Seitia Prime, during the height of the New Order.

this Nebulon-B frigate was one of the primary medical ships of the former House Pelagia naval fleet. During the Mecetti Purge, much of the House Pelagia fleet was destroyed, and the Benevolence was damaged. The Herglic merchant Melchi took command of the ship and began coordinating a relief effort. In reward for his service, Melchi was awarded full command of the Benevolence by House Pelagia. The Great Council voted to fund a complete refitting of the ship, creating a state-of-the-art medical frigate. Melchi and his crew then traveled throughout Tapani Sector, providing medical service wherever needed.

Benyalle, Tirgee
this aging woman was the crimelord who took control of the planet Kaal after the Empire abandoned it. She exploited the planet's aquacultural resources, and got rich exporting massive quantities of foodstuffs to the galaxy. Unknown to Benyalle, her organization had been infiltrated by agents of Imperial Admiral Kermen, and even her bodyguard had been bribed to allow the Imperials a chance to take over. The bodyguard, a Twi'lek named Sendir, stabbed Benyalle in the back when Kermen tried to take command of Kaal, but Sendir was captured by agents of the New Republic. They assisted Benyalle, taking her to a medical station and saving her life. She later made a deal with the New Republic, giving them exclusive rights to the foodstuffs harvested on Kaal.
(SWJ2, SWJ7)

this planet was blockaded by the Empire for its political stance regarding the New Order. Its economy was based on low-tech mining exports, and depended on food and medical supplies imported from other worlds. The Empire used Defender ion mines to keep starships away. Airen Cracken and a group of Alliance starships got through the blockade by sending out agents in vacuum suits to disarm the mines.

this young man was a Korun, native to the planet Karuun Kal. During the height of the Clone Wars, Besh and his older brother, Lesh, joined the Upland Liberation Front in an effort to free their people from the control of the Balawai. Both brothers vehemently hated the Balawai, an emotion stemming from Besh's capture and torture at the hands of Balawai prospectors, or jups. This particular group of prospectors cut off Besh's fingers, one by one, in an effort to force him to answer questions about the location of lammas groves. Stubbornly refusing to answer, Besh angered his captors so much that they later cut out his tongue, claiming that they wanted to make sure he didn't talk to anyone else, either. Years later, just after Depa Bilabba arrived to unify the ULF, Besh was stung by a fever wasp shortly after Lesh, and began to suffer from the wasp fever. He allowed herself to be injected with thanatizine by Mace Windu, in an effort to arrest the development of the wasp larvae while he and Chalk could be transported to a medical facility. Unfortunately, both Besh and Chalk were brutally murdered by Terrel Nakay, who used a dull knife to cut them until they nearly bled to death. Only the arrival of Kar Vastor saved their lives. Vastor himself executed Terrel, then tried to use his connection to the Force to draw out the fever wasps and heal their injuries. Unfortunately, Besh had been infected by a number of parasitic fungi, and was too weak to recover. He eventually died from his injuries and the fungus which ravaged his body.

Big Zoo
this was a term used to describe the Galactic Polysapient Medical Center, used most often by its graduates.

Binring Biomedical Product
this Imperial-aligned corporation produced field rations and other foodstuffs for Imperial troops. After it was "nationalized" by Warlord Zsinj. Binring became involved in the genetic manipulation of several non-human species in an effort to adapt them to different environments and occupations. It was based on the planet Saffalore, in the city of Lurark. When Zsinj discovered that there had been at least test subject who escaped from the facility, he ordered it closed down and all laboratory work transferred to the Iron Fist. The New Republic sent in Wraith Squadron, which successfully infiltrated the headquarters of Binring, but found that Zsinj had already moved much of the facility. However, they were able to capture Doctor Edda Gast in the attempt.

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