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Brotherhood of the Sith
formed by Exar Kun, these were disillusioned Jedi Knights who chose to learn the dark lore of the Sith.

Brothers of the Sith
this was the title used by the so-called "twins", Gorc and Pic, during their tenure as part of Jerec's band of Dark Jedi.

Cloak of the Sith
the region of space surrounding the Roon System, it was filled with dangerous meteors, asteroids, and planetoids.

Code of the Sith
this was the basic set of tenets adopted by the Sith, during the centuries leading up to the Great Sith War. In many respects, the Code of the Sith was similar to the Jedi Code, although historians were unsure as to which came first. The Code of the Sith went as follows: "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken." What many scholars among the Jedi Order found interesting was that the need for victory was not all-encompassing. Many Sith Lords of the era believed that victory at any cost was not a victory at all, since it often meant the loss of a Dark Jedi in the process. This would reduce their numbers, making it harder to combat the Jedi Knights. Thus, many Sith apprentices were taught leave a fight - or avoid it all together - in order to preserve their ranks.

Dark Lady of the Sith
see Lumiya

Dark Lords of the Sith
any of the most powerful students of the Sith teachings were candidates to become Dark Lords of the Sith, the equivalent of an all-powerful Jedi Master. The original Dark Lords descended from true Jedi Knights many millennia before the Great Sith War. They were cast out for their forays into the use of Dark Side magic, and exiled on the planet Korriban. There, they interbred with the native Sith race, growing stronger and more powerful as a result of the genetic combination. They expanded their realm into several nearby systems, and individual factions grew out of the isolation. The laws of the Sith dictate that only one Dark Lord can rule at any time. A ritual of ascension was performed, with the candidate being subjected to the bites of three deadly insectoids. If the candidate survived - through the use of intense Sith magic - they were declared the next Dark Lord of the Sith. They were forever marked by the bites, with a flaming sun scar on their forehead. Naga Sadow was one of the first Dark Lords to break away from the established ascension rituals, claiming himself Dark Lord after the death of Marka Ragnos without the consent of the other ruling Lords. Several centuries later, Freedon Nadd was unlucky enough to begin learning the Sith teaching under a young Dark Lord, and yearned to take the position from him. It is for this reason that Nadd went to Onderon. The ancient remains of the Dark Lords before Exar Kun were entombed on Korriban. Darth Vader is thought to have been the last of the Dark Lords.

Great Sith War
occurring some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, the Great Sith War saw the Sith rise up once again in opposition to the Jedi Knights. The onset of the Great Sith War can be traced to the Freedon Nadd Uprisings on the planet Onderon, which planted the seeds for the Krath to grow in strength. When Exar Kun began to investigate the lore of the ancient Sith, against the wishes of his Master, Vodo-Siosk Baas, he fled the Jedi Order and was lured to the Dark Side of the Force by the spirit of Freedon Nadd himself. On Yavin 4, Kun discovered a wealth of Sith treasures, and set out to become a Dark Lord of the Sith. He confronted Ulic Qel-Droma on Cinnagar, where the former Jedi had also fallen to the Dark Side after battling against Satal and Aleema Keto and Krath. Rather than have the two great warriors destroy each other in battle, the ancient Sith spirits declared Kun to be the Dark Lord and Qel-Droma to be his apprentice. Together, they launched a series of campaigns against the Old Republic and the Jedi Knights, eventually reaching Coruscant. There, Exar Kun killed his former Jedi Master and ordered his followers to murder their Masters in turn. Kun and Qel-Droma then launched an assault on Ossus, in an effort to destroy the Jedi archives located on the planet. Kun was defeated on Ossus, and fled to Yavin 4, while Qel-Droma was stripped of his connection to the Force by Nomi Sunrider. He agreed to lead the combined forces of the Republic and the Jedi to Yavin 4, to take the battle of Exar Kun. At Yavin 4, the Jedi won the battle, but at a great cost. They had to unite as a single force, and wiped out much of the jungle on Yavin 4 in order to destroy Kun's body. Kun, however, managed to escape to the spiritual plane by draining the life-energy from the enslaved Massassi.

Jedi-Sith War
see New Sith Wars

New Sith Wars
this was the term used by historians to represent the history of the galaxy from 2000 to 1000 years before the Battle of Yavin. The alliance of Sith known as the Brotherhood of Darkness rose to power during this time, but the Sith culture was marred by infighting and backstabbing among its members. Although the Sith of this period managed to take many worlds from the Old Republic, the lust of its members was unsatisfied. Each Sith Lord wanted more power and control, and the violence within the ranks was as vicious as it was against the Republic. Ultimately, the era of the New Sith Wars came to an end with the Battle of Ruusan, when the Brotherhood of Darkness was finally defeated. Also during this time, the Mandalorian Mercs were able to recruit an endless supply of soldiers for their seemingly endless campaigns of violence and pillaging. The Mandalorians of this time once again pledged their support for the Sith, and fought alongside them in many battles against the Old Republic.

Old Sith Wars
this was a generic term used by historians to refer to the period of time some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, beginning with the Great Sith War. The Old Sith Wars then encompass the Great Hunt, the Cleansing of the Nine Houses, and the War of the Star Forge. Additionally, the Mandalorian Wars are also grouped under the era of the Old Sith Wars, due to their temporal proximity.

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